满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I’m Bessy. I began to learn English in G...

I’m Bessy. I began to learn English in Grade 6,not like most of my friends who have been learning English since kindergarten(幼儿园 ) or at least in Grade 3.I fell in love with this foreigner language at once. As an old saying goes, “Interest is the best teacher.” I began to be crazy about English. I learned words and grammar, made sentences, wrote essays and read English storybo oks as many as I could.

Some of my friends find it easy to forget the words they learned the other day. So do I! You can’t remember words well without using them often. So you should turn to a dictionary for help when you meet new words and want to know their other meanings and usages. Then make your own sentences from time to time.Another way to keep new words in mind is reading articles. You can easily remember new words through context.

As for spoken English, I’m lucky to have some foreign friends. So I have more chances to improve my spoken English. If you want to communicate with foreigners, don’t be shy, and just practice with anyone who knows English.

1.When did Bessy fall in love with English?

A.In kindergarten   B.In high school

C.In Grade 3        D.In Grade 6

2.Which way of memorizing English words is NOT mentioned?

A.Turning to a dictionary

B. Making word cards

C.Making sentences

D.Reading articles

3.The underlined word “co ntext” In Paragraph 2 means “_______” in Chinese.

A.直觉    B.联想    C.现实   D.语境

4.Bessy improves her spoken English by _________.

A.listening to tapes

B.watching English movies

C.talking with foreigners

D.joining the English club.

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.My story of learning English

B. The importance of learning English

C.How to speak English well

D.How to make friends with foreigners


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文介绍了贝茜在上六年级时开始学习英语,并且对英语达到了痴迷的程度。在英语学习的过程中,他介绍了自己如何记英语单词的方法,以及如何提高英语口语的方法。 1.D问题贝茜什么时候喜欢上英语的?可以从文中I began to learn English in Grade 6,I fell in love with this foreigner language at once.这两句相结合找到答案。at once.立刻马上。故选D 2.2】B根据问题下面那一种熟记英语单词的方式没有被提到。可以从短文第三自然段中找到以下三种方式turn to a dictionary,make your own sentences from time to time y,keep new words in mind is reading articles.故选B。 3.3】D根据上下文猜测单词的含义,由上文另外记住单词的方式是阅读文章Another way to keep new words in mind is reading articles.猜出context.的含义是语境。 4.4】C问题贝茜通过那种方式提高英语口语。通过文中I’m lucky to have some foreign friends. So I have more chances to improve my spoken English.可知答案为C 5.5】A给短文加一个题目,考查本文的主旨The importance of learning English意为学习英语的重要性How to speak English well (如何说好英语 How to make friends with foreigners如何与外国人交朋友 通过阅读短文,可知文中重点介绍了关于贝茜学习英语的事情。所以选项A最贴切。 考点:叙事类短文。


In China, there are more and more traffic accidents nowadays. Every day cars kill or hurt many people on roads. Sometimes they drive too fast or do not drive carefully enough. Some of them _______ the traffic rules and  cause accidents.

According to some research, the pedestrians(行人) cause the accident more often than before.They are very ______. They walk or run across the roads _______ the cars. They walk in the roads but not on the walkways.They get into or out of cars in the middle of the roads. Some pedestrians think it wastes time to ______ the green lights and simply cross the roads against the lights.

Many people think accidents often ______ in busy roads in large cities,however, it is not true.For example, Tokyo is one of the world’s _______ cities and probably one of the busiest cities, but there are _______ accidents to pedestrians. The reason is that the police there are very strict and the pedestrians are very careful.They ______ cross against a red light and they always follow traffic lights.

Do you know drinking wine is ______ main cause of traffic accidents? The alcohol( 酒精 )in the wine delays people’s response. Those who have drunk too much are _____ in making decisions. They need a few more seconds to react( 反应 ). Alcohol drinking is especially dangerous for motor car drivers. It is not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking, drunk pedestrians may pay their lives in danger too.

1.A.make        B.break         C.follow            D.remember

2.A.careful       B.active        C.careless           D.excited

3.A.in front of  B.in the middle of    C.at the end  of    D.on the top of

4.A.turn on      B.point out      C.worry about        D. wait for

5.A.happen      B.cause         C.own              D.take

6.A.large        B.larger        C.largest             D.the largest

7.A.some        B.many        C.enough            D.few

8.A.never        B.ever         C.almost            D.always

9.A.the other     B.another      C.other              D.others

10.A.fast         B.interested     C.slow              D.energetic



----Peter, can you tell me _____?

----He used to be short,but now he is tall and heavy.

A.what is Tom like

B. what does Tom like

C.what Tom is like

D.what Tom likes



----What do you think of the new movie?

------Wonderful! I’ve never seen ____________.

A.better one     B.a better one

C.best one      D.the best one



In my opinion, we can improve our oral English ____we practice talking with others more often.

A.unless    B.if

C.until    D.though



You ______the first prize in the English speech contest. Congratulations!

A.win          B.won

C.have won     D.will win



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