满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was a rainy evening. A man didn’t tak...

It was a rainy evening. A man didn’t take his umbrella, so he wanted to call his wife to tell her he would go home late. Then he called home, however, the maid(女仆) answered the phone instead of his wife.

He said, “Can I speak to my wife?”

The maid replied, “Sorryshe’s upstairs with her boyfriend.”

He was surprised and at once very angry. He shouted, “Hurry up, go to the hall closet and take out my shotgun.”

The maid asked in surprise, “What do you need me to do?”

The man shouted crazily, “Go upstairs and kill them both.”

The maid said, “But I have never killed a man before.” Being the loyal maid, she says, “OK!”

Five minutes later, the maid picked up the phone and said, “OKI follow your order. They are both dead now. ___________________” The man said, “Throw them into the pool, and I will take care of them when I get home.

“But we don’t have a pool.” the maid said.

The man asked nervously, “Is this 555—4532?”

Immediately, the terrible yells came from the house.


1.The underlined word loyal in the passage most probably means______.

A.false to one’s master

B. true to one’s master

C.dishonest to one’s master

2.The maid killed them because__________________.

A.she was afraid of his host.

B.she obeyed the orders of his host very much.

C.she loved his host.

3. _________________ would happen at the end of the story.

A.Both the man and the maid would be punished by the law.

B.The man and the maid would be happy for what they have done.

C.The maid would marry the man.

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the story?

A.The man felt afraid when he asked the maid her host’s telephone number.

B. It was the man’s house, so the man felt happy after his wife was dead.

C. There wasn’t a pool in the house.

5. “___________________” is the missing sentence in the passage .

A.You can go home now.

B.What should I do with their bodies?

C.You must be happy, right ?


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一个雨夜,一个丈夫因打错电话,误以为自己的妻子和别的男的在一起,而误杀了别人的妻子。 1.B考查推断题。根据文章内容,可知这个女仆总是听从主人的命令,可知她是一个忠实的仆人。be true to sb.对某人忠实。故选B。 2.2】B细节理解题。根据“The man shouted crazily, “Go upstairs and kill them both.”The maid said, “But I have never killed a man before.” Being the loyal maid, she says, “OK!” ”可知,这个忠实的仆人是听从主人的命令杀了他们。故选B。 3.3】A推断题。根据最后内容可知这个男的打错的电话,他和这个仆人杀了人当然会受到应有的惩罚。选A。 4.4】B考查推断题。根据文章最后两句话可知,这不是这个男的的家,所以死去的也不是他的妻子。故选B。 5.5】B考查细节题题。根据横线后面一句“把他们扔掉池塘,我到家的时候,我会处理他们的。”可知,此处是仆人问“我该怎么处理他们的尸体。”故选B。 考点:故事类短文


Mother’s Day is coming. Please do something for your mother.   _   can replace a mother’s love .It is she who looks after the helpless you and serves you with all her heart and does everything to make your life  _  . Just for a day, at least, we shall stop taking our mothers for granted(想当然). Let’s remember the most important reasons for which we need to be grateful to our mom.

Since your childhood, in fact, you have watched your mom washing and ironing your clothes, keeping your school uniform spotless(一尘不染), and your shirts without a single crease(褶皱).You have been _______ to be picked or dropped to and from your school every single day right from your first day at school.Whenever you had a fight or if you needed a reason to cry on someone’s shoulders, your mom was the one giving you the comfort and   _  listening to all your heartburns.Just remember the innumerable(数不尽的) times you wanted a fresh new set of clothes and your mother dug out her pocket money to _  your wish.Just think of hundreds of delicious dishes she prepared   _  you, the tasty lunchboxes she cooked for you. It even makes your mouth water even now.Your mother is the person you can   _  whenever you need her.She is always there for you through your life.

So___is time to do something for your mother.Spend more time with her instead of playing computer games or watching TV alone.If you do so,she will be happy. Don’t feel bored that she talks a lot. Put_____in her shoes.Do your best at no matter what you do.When you do your best ,you’ll make her proud of you .It makes her happy to see that you’re turning into ______a great kid.

A mother’s love never changes.So he is truly happy who makes his mother happy.Please take action from now on!


1.A. SomethingB. EverythingC. Nothing

2.A. classicalB. comfortableC. clever

3.A. enough luckB. lucky enoughC. enough lucky

4.A.patientlyB. differentlyC. carelessly

5.A. stopB. realizeC. promise

6.A. toB. withC. for

7.A. come onB. depend onC. hold on

8.A. thatB. thisC. it

9.A. ourselvesB. yourselfC. themselves

10.A. soB. veryC. such



Which stress of the following is different from the others?

A. except        B. realize    C. recent



In our school, we have early morning and afternoon self-study for 40

minutes every day. Here’s our school’s self-study class schedule. Read it and find out we spend________hours on exams from Monday to Friday every week.


Self-study Class

Early morning


Read aloud


Sing a song



Sing a song

5 minutes


5 minutes

5 minutes


5 minutes


A. 20        B.100       C. about 1.5



People from western countries like to show their politeness directly. Therefore, which situation fits western custom?

A.a: I’m going to sign up for the singing competition tomorrow.

b: Congratulations!

B.a: I plan to go on a trip to Paris on vacation.

b: Have a good journey!

C.a: I won the first prize in English speech contest.

b: Good luck!



When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, what  should  you do to make you feel good about yourself?

(1) Keep away from your family.

(2) Think of some happy things.

(3) Smile! Be friendly to the people you meet.

(4) Do sports or other activities to relax yourself.

(5)Say to yourself, There’s no one in this world like me. I can do nothing.”

A (2) (4) (5)          B. (2) (3) (4)          C. (1) (2) (3)



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