满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

LOST A white cat with two big blue eyes...



A white cat with two big blue eyes.

If you find it, please call Sam at 385-0926.

Many thanks.

Titanic 3D

Saturday and Sunday

Showtime Cinema

$20 ( half for children under 12 )

Call David at 332-5147.


A Christmas Carol

—by Charles Diukans

A story of Christmas

The true meaning of Christmas

was  $59.60

now  $29.60


2 sunny bedrooms with a kitchen.

$500 a month

Call Mary at 591-3127 for more


1.Who lost a white cat with two big blue eyes?

A. Sam. B. David.

C. Mary. D. Charles.

2.You need to pay _________ if you buy the book A Christmas Carol now .

A. $59.60 B. $49.60

C. $39.60 D. $29.60

3.On what day can we see Titanic 3D in the Showtime Cinema?

A. Every day.

B. Friday and Saturday.

C. Saturday and Sunday.

D. Thursday and Sunday.

4.If you want to rent a house, you can call ___________.

A. 385-0926 B. 591-3127 C. 332-5147 D. 592-5147

5.Those ads above are most probably from a ___________.

map B. dictionary

C. newspaper D. guidebook


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇应用文短文,以表格的形式分别介绍LOST/Titanic 3D/HOUSE FOR /RENTBOOK SALE四个广告。 1.1】A问题谁丢失了一只有一双蓝色大眼睛,白颜色的毛。通过关键词lost,可以在LOST(寻物启 事)表格,通过please call Sam at 385-0926.可以找到答案,故选A 2.2】C题意如果现在你想买圣诞颂歌,需要花 通过A Christmas Carol可以在BOOK SALE表格中,找到now $29.60,故选C 3.3】C题意在哪天我们可以在电影院看3D版《泰坦尼克号》?通过Titanic 3D找到表格,Saturday and Sunday所以答案为C。 4.4】C题意如果你想一个房子,可以给谁打电话。关键词rent a house,找到所在的表格。Call Mary at 591-3127 for more 故答案为C 5.5】C句意这广告应该来自 根据选项map地图dictionary字典,newspaper报纸,guidebook旅行指南.由生活常识可以推测出这些广告应该来自报纸故答案为C 考点:应用类短文。


My friend Alan did not have a rich family. He did not have much money. Sometimes Alan _ had to accept (接受) money and gifts from his family and friends. But do not get me __ . He was not the kind of person who never ___ the money he should. He was always very ___ with the money he spent.

However ,a few years ago, he won the lottery (中了彩票) and got a huge 45 of money. He was very excited. It changed his life. The ___ thing he did was to buy a very expensive new car. Then he ___ spending money on unnecessary things or the things that he normally would not buy. It seemed that he had money to____ . He had more money than he needed and it was burning a hole in his pocket. He wasted his money _____

When we got together for a ____ at a restaurant, he would always pay the bill. He ____me the money made him feel very happy.

But, Alan soon 52 out all of his money. He was as poor as a church mouse again. His last dollar was spent and he had no money____ .

I admit (承认) I do feel _____ for my friend. He had enough money to live like a king.____ , he is back to living a hard life. He was wise about small things, but not about important things.

1.A. only B. just C. even D. either

2.A. guilty B. wrong C. confident D. surprised

3.A. took B. had C. brought D. paid

4.A. nervous B. careful C. anxious D. excited

5.A. pocket B. envelope C. amount D. purse

6.A. final B. perfect C. recent D. first

7.A. pretended B. suggested C. started D. practiced

8.A. risk B. show C. burn D. play

9.A. quietly B. secretly C. quickly D. possibly

10.A. journey B. meal C. rest D. meeting

11.A. interviewed B. taught C. treated D. told

12.A. ran B. came C. went D. walked

13.A. remained B. stayed C. left D. reached

14.A. educational B. sorry C. embarrassed D. realistic

15.A. Exactly B. Easily C. Instead D. Really



—Which hobby do you think______ the least time?

—Collecting stamps.

A. takes up    B. puts up

C. gives up   D. makes up



--Mum, I think I’m             to get back to school.

--Not really, my dear. You’d better          at home for another day or two.

A.  so well, stay    B. so good, to stay

C. well enough, stay  D. good enough, to stay



I don’t know                 .

A. where does he come from

B. what is his name

C. what is the matter with him

D. when will he leave



--Oh, Mary’s not at school these days. Is she ill?

--            . Her mother told me that she was in hospital.

A. I am afraid so.

B. I hope not

C. I don’t mind

D. I don’t think so.



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