满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lincheng is a new developing city. Ther...


Lincheng is a new developing city. There are lots of popular restaurants. Although they are not famous, they are good places to have meals.

Qingteng Yuan

Main dishes: Many different fish, meat and chicken dishes

Specials: Vegetable salad (20),

Roast beef (48 on weekdays, 38 on weekends)

Fruits (Free): Watermelon, apples, bananas, oranges

Tel: 876-2198

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.

Ruihai Drinking


Mainly all kinds of meat, pork, beef and mutton.

Specials: Roast pork (only offered on Saturday, 50 each)

Drinks are not allowed to take except VIP.

Tel: 897-6543

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—1:30 a.m. (VIP 24 hours)

Rujia Restaurant


Mainly dumplings and noodles.

Specials: Beef and cabbage dumplings (5 each on weekdays, 4.5 on weekends)

Dumplings can be taken away.

Tel: 432-0945

Opening Hours: 11:30 a.m.10:00 p.m.

Linglong Sea Food


Mainly sea food.

Specials: Roast fish (25 each)

Tel: 287-9056

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. (From Monday to Thursday)

11:00 a.m.2:00 a.m. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

1.If you like roast beef and you want to save some money, you’d better go to Qingteng Yuan on       .

A. Monday       B. Wednesday

C. Friday        D. Sunday

2.What can be only offered on Saturday?

A. Roast beef.   B. Roast pork.

C. Beef noodles. D. Sea food.

3.You need to pay       for three beef and cabbage dumplings on Monday.

A. 15       B. 13.5

C. 10       D. 9

4.If you want to eat sea food, you can call       .

A. 876-2198     B. 897-6543

C. 432-0945    D. 287-9056

5.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fruits are free in Rujia Restaurant.

B. Roast beef is cheaper on Tuesday than on Saturday.

C. You can eat sea food at 1:00 a.m. on Friday in Linglong Sea Food.

D. Call 897-6543 to order noodles.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本篇文章主要向大家介绍了四家餐厅的服务特色 1.D细节考察题 根据Roast beef (¥48 on weekdays, ¥38 on weekends) 得知周末牛排为38元,工作日牛排为48元,显然周末去吃牛排更省钱,D为正确答案 2.2】B细节考察题,根据 Roast pork (only offered on Saturday)只有在周六才买到的是烤猪肉。 3.3】A计算题,根据Beef and cabbage dumplings (¥5 each on weekdays)在工作日,每个牛肉白菜水饺是5元,可算出买三个饺子是15元为正确答案。 4.4】D细节考察题,根据Mainly sea food Tel: 287-9056可得如果要吃海鲜,只能拨打D。 5.5】C考察推理判断,根据Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)可知在linglong sea food 这家店里,周五下午一点可以吃到海鲜。ABD均不符合题意。。 考点:表格式应用文



Last summer we went on an exciting trip to Sarawak in Malaysia, a part of the island of Borneo (婆罗洲). Borneo is famous for its rainforest, which   _   427,500 square kilometers of the island. This rainforest is 130 million years old, making it one of the  _  rainforests in the world.

When we were in Sarawak, we were lucky enough to go hiking __   the jungle. In the jungle we came across many wild   __  . Our favorite animals were orangutans (猩猩). We watched them swing   __  tree to tree. The graceful and gentle animals made us feel even closer to __  .

The   __  told us many stories of fantastic spitting cobras (啐毒眼镜蛇). He said that they were more    __  of us than we were of them! Another interesting feature of Sarawak is that there are many tribes (部落), which still    __   in the rainforest today.

___  we visited one of these tribes, people there told us about their long history. We were really   __  in their stories and traditions. Besides, we also enjoyed their   __  , such as pansoh, which was chicken cooked in bamboo.

In Sarawak, there are also rivers and many different birds.   __ , we didn’t have time to visit Turtle Island. It’s a wonderful place   __  you can swim in with the turtles.

This holiday has been a life-changing   __- that we will never forget.

1.A. stands   B.comes           C. covers    D.turns

2.A. largest      B. oldest           C. longest     D.biggest

3.A. to          B. on              C. through    D.above

4.A. plants    B. animals         C. flowers    D.insects

5.A. from      B. between         C. under     D.in

6.A. trees     B. life             C. nature     D.people

7.A. teacher   B. driver           C. guide     D.girl

8.A. fond (喜欢的)B. tired           C. scared    D.worried

9.A. live       B. work          C. study     D.lives

10.A. If         B. Why           C. When     D.Whether

11.A. bored       B. surprised     C. interested    D.interesting

12.A. food       B. clothes         C. houses     D.fruit.

13.A. Luckily     B. Sadly          C. Happily    D.Sad

14.A. what        B. which           C. when     D. in that

15.A. story      B. place           C. experience   D.visiting



---Thank you for your help .---____.

A. Thats right

B. Dont mention it

C. All right

D. You are right



---Have you seen ____ pen ? I left it here this morning .

---Is it _____ black one ? I think I saw it somewhere.

A.a,the     B.the,the      C.the,a       D.a,a



It is _____ good film that none of us dislike it .

A. a so  B. so a  C. a such    D. such a



_____ Lily _____ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A. Not only ; but also   B. Either ; or

C. Both ; and           D. Neither ; nor



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