满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Where will you live?


What job will you have?

a doctor,

What sports will you do?


Will you have your own robots?

Yes,I will.

What will it do for you?

help me do housework


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2. 所写内容必须包括表格中的信息。

3. 词数:不少于60。








My life in ten years In ten years, I think I will be a doctor. And I will live in Qingdao.I think Qingdao is a really beautiful city. As a doctor, I think it's a interesting and difficult jobs, and I must to study biology hard now. I will be a basketball player as Yao Ming .I think basketball player is very cool. And I will have many pets like dogs ,cats and parrots .I love animals . I think they are very cute and clever .And I think I have a robot . It will be very cool. It will help me do housework every day. I have many dreams . I think they can come true one day. I can't wait! 【解析】 试题分析:本题给出的材料较为详细,动笔前要先认真阅读要点,然后围绕要点回答问题。根据所给材料内容,可知本文主要用第一人称,一般将来时态进行叙述。。 【亮点说明】1. 本文紧扣要求对作者做了简单介绍,内容完整。 2.时态正确。注意用到了一般现在时。 3.层次清楚,有头有尾。  


1.Do you know all the w________ names?

2.—It’s fine today.      —I think so. At l ______it’s warm.

3.I’ll help you to s       the problem.

4.Can you tell me the r______ of the English exam.

5.Spring Festival is one of the t________ Chinese festivals.

6.Don’t play with fire, it’s far too d_________.

7.There’s going to be a c_______ given by Lang Lang in the theater tonight.

8.I’m going to ask you some p       questions.

9.His father d______ his car to work last week.

10.Some people make their resolutions at the b______ of the year.




well, brother, on , ago , I , for , each , need , as , because , much, before

In my free time, I paint designs on T-shirts. I got the idea two years   1. for my

2. birthday present. The shop wanted $ 20 for a special design  3. a T-shirt, so I decided to do it   4.. I bought a white cotton T-shirt     5. $6 and some paints, and I painted a lion on the front. My brother loved it!

Painting T-shirts is great fun. You   6. be a great artist, you can just paint shapes and lines. The T-shirts are the   7. expensive part of my hobby. Also you have to use special fabric paints and you need to buy good quality brushes.

I love my hobby   8. I can make T-shirts that no-one else has. I give a lot of them away

9. presents to my family and friends. Sometimes, I sell them. Since I started, I’ve made about 60 T-shirts and  10. one is different.




1.Mary likes animals. She keeps some pets and she is very kind to them.

2.Amy is good at playing the piano and she is a music lover.

3.Mark majors in math in a university. He wants to be a math teacher.

4.Lisa’s birthday is coming. Her mother is going to buy a second-hand MP3 player for her.

5. Jack can speak a little English . In his free time he likes swimming and watching TV.

He wants to find a pen-friend..


A. After 10 years of teaching the piano. Amold Swenson has made his first CD! Come and meet him this weekend. Special presents for the first 50 people.

B. I’m very excited because I got the first prize in lotto. I am going to cook a big dinner and throw a dancing party for of you. Come and join us at 6:00 pm this Saturday.

C. I found a homeless cat in the park yesterday. It looked so poor. I really want to keep it in my house but my wife doesn’t like animals. I hope someone can keep it and I will pay half of the money for its food.

D. The math problem is quite difficult for me. If you know how to work it out , please help me:

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E. I am interested in movies and swimming. I’m from England. I like making friends. If you

have the same interests as me. Please contact me.

F. A second-hand MP3 player is for sale. It’s only be used for two weeks. It’s as nice as a new one. If you’re interested in it, Call my office number at 886-3452. I’ll not be home until 11 pm every day.



Thirty years ago, Lake Ponkapog in Hartwell, New Jersey, was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water, which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, animals, and fish.

The lake water is polluted (污染的). It is in a color of dirty brown, and it is filled with strange plants.

How does this happen? First we must think about how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains, water comes into the lake from all around. In the past there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog so the rain water was clean.

Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals (化学品) in their gardens. They use other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects (昆虫). There are also many businesses. Businesses use chemicals in their machines or shops. Other chemicals fall onto the ground from cars or trucks. When it rains, the rain water picks up all the chemicals from homes and businesses and then carries them into the lake. They pollute the water and kill the animals.

Boats on the lake are also a problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil and gas (油和汽)  from boats often get into the lake. So more bad chemicals go into the water this way.

People in Hartwell are worried. They love their lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are more careful about chemicals at home and at work. They must also be more careful about gas and oil and other chemicals on the ground. And they mustn't use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people's lives. Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful, clean lake again.

1. In the past, the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by ______.

A. forests      B. rain         C. birds         D. fish

2.Chemicals from homes and businesses ______.

A. are always clean

B. can help the animals

C. are good for the lake

D. get into the rainwater

3. Cleaner rainwater will mean ______.

A. more boats on the lake

B. more dirty things in the lake

C. a cleaner lake

D. a dirtier lake

4. To save Lake Ponkapog, people need to ______.

A. be more careful about chemicals

B. use less water

C. grow fewer plants in the gardens

D. use more motorboats on the lake

5.The passage is about ______.

A. boats on Lake Ponkapog

B. why the water is dirty in Lake Ponkapog

C. clean rainwater

D. dirty lakes



Two good friends, Sam and Jason, met a car accident on their way home one snowy night. The next morning, Sam woke up blind. His legs were broken. The doctor, Mr. Lee, was standing by his bed, looking at him worriedly. When he saw Sam awake, he asked, “How are you feeling, Sam?” Sam smiled and said, “not bad, Doctor. Thank you very much for doing the special operation(手术).” Mr. Lee was moved by Sam. When he was leaving, Sam said,” Please don’t tell Jason about it.” Well… Well… OK,” Mr. Lee replied.

Months later when Jason’s wounds healed(愈合), Sam was still very sick. He couldn’t see or walk. He could do nothing but stay in his wheelchair all day long. At first, Jason stayed with him for a few days. But days later, Jason thought it boring to spend time with a disabled man like Sam. So he went to see Sam less and less. He made new friends. From then on, he didn’t go to visit Sam any more. Sam didn’t have any family or friends except Jason. He felt very sad.

Things went on from bad to worse. Sam died a year later. When Jason came, Mr. Lee gave him a letter from Sam. In the letter Sam said, Dear Jason, I am disabled. But I want you to be a healthy man. So I gave my eyes to you so that you can enjoy life as healthy and happy as usual. I’m glad you live a happy life. You are always my best friend…Sam.” When he finished reading the letter, Mr. Lee said, I have promised that I will keep this a secret until Sam is gone. Now you know it.”

Jason stood there like a stone. Tears ran down his face.

1.The car accident happened ________.

A. only to Sam        B. on a cold evening

C. the next morning   D. on the way to work

2.Sam thanked Mr. Lee mainly because Mr. Lee _______.

A. saved his friend Jason’s life

B. was very kind and friendly to him

C. came to see him early in the morning

D. did the operation according to his wish

3.Which of the following is the correct order of events in the story?

a. Jason made new friends

b. Sam gave his eyes to Jason

c. Sam and Jason met with a car accident.

d. Jason felt bored when staying with Sam.

e. Sam died and Jason knew the truth.

A. c-b-d-a-e     B. d-c-b-e-a

C. d-a-c-b-e     D. c-d-b-e-a

4.After we finish reading Sam’s letter, we can infer(推断) that ________.

A. Sam caused the car accident

B. Sam’s operation was not successful

C. Jason was made blind in the car accident

D. Jason knew how Sam helped him before Sam died.

5.From the story, we can conclude(得出结论) that___________.

A. Sam played a joke on Jason

B. Sam always told lies to his friends

C. Sam thought friendship was important

D. Sam regretted (后悔) doing the operation in the end



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