满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

After the earthquake, many people came t...

After the earthquake, many people came to a young house, and they saw her dead body. But her pose (姿势) was very     . She knelt (跪下) on her knees, and her body was leaning forward and her two hands were holding   . Her back and head were under the broken house.

many difficulties, one person put his hand through a narrow gap(缝隙)to    the womans body. He was    that the woman still be alive.    , the body was cold. But he tried to find something.      , he shouted, A child! There is a child!

All the people worked together. They moved the things around the     woman. There was a little    boy under his mothers dead body. The woman made a sacrifice(牺牲)     her son.     her house was falling, she used her body to make her son safe.

The doctor came quickly to examine the little boy. He     a cell phone inside the boys clothes. There was a text     on the phone. It    , Dear baby, if you live, always remember that I love you.

1.A. girl’s      B. boy’s        C. woman’s     D. man’s

2.A. sad           B. exciting     C. interesting  D. strange

3.A. everything    B. something     C. anything     D. nothing

4.A. With         B. Without       C. For         D. In

5.A. catch        B. reach         C. hold        D. put

6.A. wanting      B. thinking      C. hoping       D. believing

7.A. So            B. But          C. And          D. However

8.A. Suddenly      B. Surprisingly  C. Luckily      D. Sadly

9.A. happy         B. dead          C. worried      D. surprised

10.A. 3-months-old B. 3-month-olds C. 3-month-old D. 3 month old

11.A. to save     B. to catch      C. to feed      D. to hold

12.A. When         B. As soon as    C. But          D. Then

13.A. lost        B. picked        C. saw          D. kept

14.A. word         B. expression    C. sentence     D. message

15.A. saw          B. written       C. read         D. says


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 【解析】 1.考查名词与语境理解。“They moved the things around the woman.”的意思是:他们移走这个……妇女周围的东西。所以此处是一个年轻妇女的房子。girl’s的意思是“女孩的”;boy’s的意思是“男孩的”;woman’s的意思是“妇女的”;man’s“男人的”,所以选C。 2.考查形容词与语境理解。sad的意思是“难过的”;exciting“兴奋的”;interesting“有趣的”;strange“奇怪的”,分析下文可知,“But her pose (姿势) was very .”的意思是“她的姿势非常的奇怪。” 所以答案为D。 3.考查不定代词与语境理解。everything的意思是“每件事”; something“某事”;anything“任何事”;nothing“没有事情”,分析短文内容可知, 句子“…her hands were holding _____.”的意思是”……她的手正举着某个东西.” 所以答案为B。 4.考查介词与语境理解。with的意思是“具有”;without“无,没有”;for“为”;in“在……里面”,分析短文可知,句子“______many difficulties, one person put his hand through a narrow gap(缝隙)to…”的意思是”有许多困难,一个人把他的手通过一个缝隙到达……” 所以答案为A。 5.考查动词与语境理解。catch的意思是“抓住”;reach“到达”;hold“握住”;put“放”,分析短文可知,句子“______many difficulties, one person put his hand through a narrow gap(缝隙)to _____the woman’s body.”的意思是“有许多困难,一个人把他的手通过一个缝隙到达这个妇女的身体。” 所以答案为B。 6.考查动词与语境理解。wanting的意思是“正在想”;thinking“认为”;hoping“正在希望”;believing“正在相信”,分析短文可知, 句子“He was that the woman still be alive.的意思是“他正希望这个妇女仍然活着。” 所以答案为C。 7.考查连词与语境理解。so的意思是“因此”,表示因果关系;but 的意思是“但是”,表示转折关系;and的意思是“和,又”,表示顺承关系;however的意思是“然而”,表转折,常用逗号隔开。分析短文可知, 句子“ , the body was cold”.的意思是“然而,身体已经冰冷。” 所以答案为D。 8.考查副词与语境理解。suddenly的意思是“突然”;surprisingly 的意思是“惊讶地”;luckily的意思是“幸运地”;sadly的意思是“悲哀地”。分析短文可知, 句子“ , he shouted,”.的意思是“突然,他大喊,” 所以答案为A。 9.考查形容词与语境理解。happy的意思是“高兴的”;dead的意思是“死的”;worried的意思是“担心的”; surprised的意思是“惊讶的”。分析短文可知, 句子“They moved the things around the woman.”.的意思是“他们移走已死妇女周围的东西。” 所以答案为B。 10.考查合成词。分析短文可知, 句子“There was a little boy under his mother’s dead body.”的意思是“在他妈妈的死尸下面有一个三个月大的男孩。” boy 是名词,所以前面用形容词,有连字符的合成形容词,中间的名词用单数。所以答案为C。 11.考查动词与语境理解。to save的意思是“为了挽救”;to catch的意思是“为了抓住”;to feed的意思是“为了喂养”; hold的意思是“为了握住”。分析短文可知, 句子“The woman made a sacrifice(牺牲) her son.”.的意思是“为了挽救她的儿子这个妇女做出了牺牲。” 所以答案为A。 12.考查连词与语境理解。when的意思是“当……时候”;as soon as的意思是“ 一……就……”;but的意思是“但是”,表示转折;then的意思是“然后”。分析短文可知, 句子“ her house was falling, she used her body to make her son safe. .”.的意思是“当她的房子正要倒塌时,她用她的身体使她儿子安全。” 所以答案为A。 13.考查动词与语境理解。lost的意思是“失去”;picked的意思是“捡起”;saw的意思是“看到”; kept的意思是“保存”。分析短文可知, 句子“He a cell phone inside the boy’s clothes.”的意思是“他在男孩的衣服里面看到一个电话。” 所以答案为C。 14.考查名词与语境理解。word的意思是“单词”;expression的意思是“短语”;sentence的意思是“句子”; message的意思是“信息”。分析短文可知, 句子“There was a text on the phone.”.的意思是“在手机上有一条短信。” 所以答案为D。 15.考查动词与语境理解。saw的意思是“看到”;written的意思是“写”;read的意思是“读”; says的意思是“说”。分析短文可知, 此处用一般过去时, 句子“It ,”.的意思是“它写到,” 所以答案为C。 考点:故事类短文。

Dont you mind my smoking here?

_________ . There are no children now.

A. No, please dont.

B. No, go ahead, please.

C. Yes, I do.

D. Im sorry to hear that



Xi'an is one of _______capital ________in China.

A.older; city        B.the older; city

C.oldest; cities    D.the oldest; cities



Mum, I’m tired of eating porridge every morning. Could I have ________ ?

—How about trying some sandwiches tomorrow, dear?

A. anything different

B. something different

C. different something

D. anything different



––_____do you _______this fashion show? ––I _______it. Its too boring.

A. What; think; like

B. What; think of; cant stand

C. What; like; dont like

D. How; think; love



––Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?

––If Tony _____, _____________.

A. comes; so I will

B. come; so do I

C. comes; so will I

D. will come; so will I



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