满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---_______do you have an art festival in...

---_______do you have an art festival in your school?

---Once a year.

A. How long    B. How often

C. How far     D. How soon


B 【解析】 试题分析:根据答语Once a year.(一年一次)可知提问的是频率,所以选how often提问频率 “多久.....次,多常”。 how long 提问时间 “多长(时间)”; how far “多远”,提问距离;how soon “多快” 提问多久以后。 考点: 疑问词辨析。

In which pair of the words, the underlined parts pronounce differently?

A. junk  up       B. housework  loud

C. bread  least    D. stand  fact



本学期,在学生处的带领下,我们育英学子展开育英梦,我的梦的圆梦活动,学期过半,学期初你所指定的梦想完成的如何,请你以“my dream ”为题写一篇短文。

Everyone has a lot of dreams. ____________________________________










1.A ___________ (旅行) by train is more relaxing than by coach.

2.The panda is one of the animals in danger, we must__________(保护)them.

3. Learning ___________(语法) is important for students to learn English well.

4. These houses here are __________(低的) than the buildings in the city.

5.Our school volleyball team will play ____ (对决) your school team next Saturday.

6.The man is very tired. _________(然而), he feels happy.

7.How many _________(小说) does he write every year?

8.Our __________(政府) is working hard to help the poor.

9. He ___________(扔,掷) his old shoes just now.

10.There is a lot of  _____________(污染) around us .




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Alice was sitting with her sister by the   1. and her sister was reading a book. Her sister’s book had no pictures or   2. in it. Then a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by. There was nothing  3. about that .Then the rabbit took a watch out of its  4. and looked at it. Alice followed the rabbit and fell down a   5..Alice had a lot of adventures in wonderland.




A: Hello, Mike!  1. B: Hello, Sam. I'm going to school.

A: Is the school near your home?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Do you go to school by bike or by bus?

B:  2..  But sometimes I'm late.,then I go to school by bus.

A: What time do you begin classes?

B: At eight.

A: Are the classes over in the middle of the day

B: No, they aren't.  3.

A: Do you often play basketball after school?

B: No, I don't like playing it. I like swimming.

A:  4.

B:I do my homework. After that I watch TV.  I go to bed at ten.  5. A:I do nearly the same things in the evening.

A. What about you?

B. They are over at 4:30 in the afternoon.

C. I go to school on foot.

D. What do you usually do in the evening?

E. Where are you going?



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