满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Sarah can’t do exercises so ___ as her t...

Sarah can’t do exercises so ___ as her twin sister Sally, but she is ____than Sally.

A. quick; much careful

B. quick; more careful

C. quickly; more careful

D. quickly; much carefully


C 【解析】 试题分析: as/so………as “和…..一样”中间是形容词或副词的原级,而要填的词修饰动词do,所以用副词quickly;而句中有than又是在is的后面,所以应填形容词的比较级,more careful。 考点:形容词,副词的用法及比较级的用法。

---Which star is _____from the earth, the moon, the sun or the Mars?

---The moon, of course.

A. farther          B. the farthest

C. nearer           D. the nearest



—What does your father think ofUp Up Day?


A .He loves it.          B. He can see it.

C. He doesn’t see it.   D. That’s all right.



Chen Long and Zhen Zidan have much _____________. And they often play similar roles in the movies.

A. in common         B. in fact

C. the same as       D. such as



.My English is much______than my science. But I’m afraid my math is the _________ of all the subjects. Can you help me?

A. worse ,best       B. better ,best

C. better, worst    D. best, worse



---Can you tell me _______________________?

---Luckily, with Lucy’s help.

A. when you did so well

B. when did you do it so well

C. how you did so well

D. how did you do it so well



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