满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

(C)根据句意及音标提示写出单词. 1.Class6 basketball te...


1.Class6 basketball team ________[ wʌn ] the match last week.

2.There are so many nice shoes in the store, I really don’t know which one to ______ [tʃu:z  ]

3.Of all the students ,Mike is the most _________[ səkˈsesfl ]student.

4.He is __________[plænɪŋ]to have a birthday party for his mother.

5.I like fruits best for _______[ ɪgˈzɑ:mpl ], apples and bananas.


1.won 2.choose 3.successful 4.planning 5.example 【解析】 1.根据句意和音标可知应填win 的过去式 won。句意:六班篮球队上周赢了比赛。 2.前面有 to ,所以用动词原形 choose “选择”。句意:商店里有很多漂亮的鞋子,我真的不知道选哪一个。 3.用形容词 successful “成功的”。句意:在所有的学生中,Mike是最成功的。 4.用动词plan 的 ing形式,注意n 双写。句意:他正计划着为他妈妈办个生日晚会。 5.短语for example “例如”。句意:我最喜欢水果。比如:苹果香蕉。 考点:单词填空


1.I finished all the homework this morning, so I have n________ to do now.

2.Her sister dances t________ a week, only on Sunday morning and Tuesday afternoon.

3.Lisa wants to be a w______ like Mo Yan when she grows up.

4.Hang Zhou is f___________ for the West Lake.

5.Everyone in her class e________ to have a better life.




1.My brother is funnier than me. He makes me ________ (笑)a lot.

2.I think __________(卡通片) are very interesting .

3.Tom’s home is the_______ (接近的) to school in his class, so he often walks to school.

4.In this store ,we can buy clothes more________(便宜)than the other stores.

5. My father didn’t bring _________(足够的)money, so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.




You don’t have to be bored on a rainy day. Here are some new ideas:

Tell stories .You might tell stories you have heard before, or you might make up some really wonderful stories.

1._________.You can learn to cook a pizza or maybe some cookies.Give your friends a chance to help in the kitchen and make something tasty.

2._________You might write stories on your own and then read them aloud to others, or you might write a story together.

3._________.Think of some scenes and then play a game. Act as teachers, doctors, nurses or policemen.  You can dress up in whatever you may have.

4._________.Pick out some music and dance around in the room .You can also sing while others are dancing. So on the next rainy day, try some of these ideas for a day full of fun!

A. Cook in the kitchen

B. Play “Let’s act” game

C. Write a story together

D. Have a party

5.This passage is mainly about “________”.

A. How to tell and write stories

B. How to play a game

C. How to spend a rainy day

D. How to make something tasty



Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon, after she finished doing housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and looked outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses, and small animals on the farm.

Suddenly she saw a kangaroo under her window. It was interesting to see that the kangaroo was wearing an old jacket. It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs. Brown gave some bread and waterto it. The kangaroo had them all. Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the ground there was $300 and a photo in it. That was a man’s photo with his name “John” on it. John? She looked more carefully and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother?” She thought.

She took the wallet with her and began to look for the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her great surprise, it was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and happy to see each other.

1.Which is not mentioned(提到,涉及) in the story?

A. kangaroo          B. cow          C. cock          D. horse

2. Choose the right order according to (根据) the story.

They were happy to see each other.

Mrs. Brown gave bread and water to the kangaroo.

She went to her small shop.

She went to look for the man.

She looked carefully at the photo.

A. a, c, d, b, e       B. c, b, e, d, a

C. c, e, b, d , a     D. b, c, e, d, a

3. Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Brown lived in a big farm.

B. Mrs. Brown found her brother at last.

C. The kangaroo was near the window of the shop.

D. There was a photo and 300 dollars in the wallet.

4.Mrs. Brown took        to look for her brother.

A. the kangaroo      B. the cow

C. the wallet         D.the jacket

5. Why did Mrs. Brown lose her brother many years ago?

A. His parents didn’t want him.

B. We don’t know.

C. He went out to work and didn’t know the way home.

D. His parents didn’t have money. So he didn't want them.



In many countries, holidays are important parts in people's life. Let's show some countries to you.


American people's holidays are flexible (灵活的 ). They can use up their holidays once, and they can also use them up a few times. During the holidays, they still get money.


Many people in Canada can rest three days a week. They have all kinds of activities (活动) for holidays. They may go fishing, boating or mountain climbing. Also, they have long holidays. They may go to the beach to spend a sunny winter holiday. Like American people, Canadians also get money during the holidays.


People in France are very good at enjoying life. They have a 6-week holiday every year, and they work less than 40 hours a week.

1.How many countries are mentioned (被提到) in the passage?

A. Two.      B. Three.      C. Four.      D. Six.

2.In which countries can people still get money during the holidays according to the     passage?

A. America and Canada.         B. Canada and France.

C. Japan and France.           D. America and France.

3. Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Go fishing.                   B. Go boating.

C. Go skating.                   D. Go mountain climbing.

4.In which country can people work less than 40 hours a week?

A. America.     B. Canada.      C. France.     D. China.

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Holidays are important

B. Holidays in different countries

C. People's work time

D. Activities in different countries



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