满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hello! I’m 1. (a) English girl. I’m twel...

Hello! Im 1. (a) English girl. I’m twelve years old. My first name is Jane. Miller is my  2. name. I like  3.(sport) and am good at playing ping-pong.

I have a classmate.  4.(he) name is John. He is our  5.(uncle) son. We are good  friends. For us, sports are   6.(relax). We have sports every day.

I have a new bedroom. It is very  7. (tidy).The walls are white and the floor is brown. There  8.(be) a big bed next to the window. It’s red and white. The desk is  9. the bed and the dresser. The bookcase is near the door and the  10. are in it. I like sports very much, so the books are usually about sports.


1.an 2.last 3.sports 4.his 5.uncle’s 6.relaxing 7.tidy 8.is 9.between 10.books 【解析】 1.1】句意:我是一个英国女孩。 ['iŋɡliʃ],第一个音素是是元音音素,故填an。 2.2】句意:Miller是我的姓。Last name是姓的意思,故填last。 3.3】句意:我喜欢运动。根据句意填sports。 4.4】句意:他的名字是John.根据句意,此处填形容词性物主代词,故填his。 5.5】句意:他是我叔叔的儿子。根据句意,此处填名词所有格,故填 uncle’s。 6.6】句意:运动是令人放松的。主语是sports,故填relaxing。 7.7】句意:我是很整洁。根据句意填tidy。 8.8】句意:靠近窗户是一张大床。根据句意,此处用单数,故填is。 9.9】句意: 桌子在床和梳妆台之间。根据句意,填between。 10.10】句意: 书橱靠近门,里面有书。根据句意,此处用复数。

It’s time for our clothing sale. We only have this sale once a year. This year, prices are lower than ever, but the quality (质量) of our clothes is the same. How much are our blue pants? They’re only twelve dollars. How much are our swimsuits? This week, you can buy one for only fourteen dollars. And what’s the price of our T-shirt? Only eight dollars each! Or, you can buy two for fifteen dollars. And we have them in all colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Do you like Mango sweatshirts? This week, you can buy them for eighteen dollars. And our sports bags are only twelve dollars——that’s right, twelve dollars only.

Come to the Blue Water Surf Shop now. The sale starts today.

1. How much are their blue pants?

A. Twenty dollars.            B. Twelve dollars

C. Thirteen dollars.          D. Fifteen dollars.

2.If you want to buy two T-shirts, you only pay(付) ______.

A. eight dollars         B. fourteen dollars

C. fif3teen dollars      D. sixteen dollars

【小题】 You can buy______ in this shop.

A. sports bags   B. T-shirts  C. swimsuits      D. A,B&C

3. Which is true (正确)?

A. Swimsuits only ten dollars each this week.

B. They have pants in all colors.

C. There are not any sports bags in the store.

D. The quality of the clothes is good.

4. This article (文章) is _______.

A. an ad         B. a story (故事)

C. a notice      D. an e-mail



Everyone wants to be healthy. Food is very important .There are a lot of healthy foods. You can eat more bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes, because fruit and vegetables are good for your health .But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not healthy food .

Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and play sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

1. What are healthy foods ?

A. Vegetable and Chocolate.

B. Apples and chocolate.

C. Chocolate and fruit

D. Fruit and vegetable.

2. Why are healthy foods good for you ?

A. They make you happy

B. They make you grow strong

C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy

D. They make you heavy.

3. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means _______

A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple

B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple

C. You eat an apple every day and you can be thin

D. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.

4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “lazy” ?

A. 强壮的         B. 虚弱的   C. 勤劳的       D. 懒惰的

5. What keeps you healthy ?

A. Fruit and vegetable.

B. Healthy foods and sports.

C. Too much chocolates.

D. Healthy foods.



Henry’s father has four brothers and four sisters. Henry’s mother has five sisters and two brothers. Henry has a sister, Linda and a brother, Jim. Linda is in the bed and Jim is on the chair. Linda likes oranges, but Jim doesn't like them. He likes salad.

1.Henry has ______uncles.

A. eight      B. six       C. nine

2. ______is in the bed.

A. Linda      B. Jim        C. Henry

3. What does Linda like?

A. oranges     B. salad.       C. oranges and salad.

4.Where is Jim?

A. On the farm      B. In the bed        C. On the chair

5.Does Henry like salad?

A. No, he doesn't.

B. Yes, he does.

C. Sorry, I don't know.



Look at the photo. It’s my family. The old man and the old woman are my  ________. They are at home and help ________ with the housework(家务). They think their life is relaxing. This is my father. My father is very ________. He has many things to do every day. This woman is my mother. She is also my English teacher.

You can also see ________ children in the photo. The two girls are my ________ The girl in a yellow dress is Nancy, and the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Do you ________ the boy is? It’s ________. My grandparents live in the USA. I live in Beijing with my parents now. My father is a ________. He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has bread for ________ in the morning. And he likes to be healthy. My mother often ________ some eggs and bread. I have a big family.

1.A. uncle         B. aunt           C. grandparents     D. parents

2.A. you           B. them           C. us               D. him

3.A. nice          B. busy           C. happy            D. fun

4.A. one           B. two            C. three            D. four

5.A. sisters       B. brothers       C. friends          D. classmates

6.A. know        B. tell           C. say             D. Talk

7.A. you           B. her            C. him              D. me

8.A. teacher       B. students       C. boss              D. doctor

9.A. breakfast     B. lunch          C. dinner            D. supper

10.A. drinks       B. eats           C. takes             D. gets




—That sounds great.

A. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.

B. Do you like playing games?

C. Is it OK with you?

D. How are you?



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