满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.You don’t like milk, what about______...


1.You don’t like milk, what about________ (have) some fruit.

2.This skirt l_______ so nice. How much is it.

3.Jim likes these pictures and Tom likes t_______, too.

4.A sports star usually has a good e______ habit to keep fit.

5.—Where is my baseball, mom?  —I t_____ it is in your schoolbag.


1.having 2.looks 3.them 4.eating 5.think 【解析】 1.1】句意:你不喜欢牛奶,吃一些水果怎样?what about 后加动名词,故填 having。 2.2】句意:这条裙子看起来很漂亮。多少钱?根据时态,此句用一般现在时,主语为单数,故用looks。 3.3】句意:吉姆喜欢这些照片,汤姆也喜欢它们。根据句意,此处用来代替pictures,故用复数them。 4.4】句意:体育明星通常有一个良好的饮食习惯来保持健康。a good eating habit是固定短语:好的饮食习惯。 5.5】句意:我认为在你的书包里。根据句意题think。


1.Linda likes to have some __________(草莓) for breakfast today.

2.Look, the black trousers are nineteen ______ (美元)at the great sale.

3.Do Tom and Jerry like ________ (看) TV every Sunday?

4.It is an ______ (容易的) question. We can answer it.

5.Sandy can play basketball very ________ (好).




1. Tom likes oranges. (改为一般疑问句)

________  Tom _________  strawberries?

2. Her grandfather likes ice-cream(对划线部分提问)

her grandfather like?

3. That is Jay’s black sweater. (改为复数句)

________  are Jay’s black _________.

4. These socks are three dollars. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ are these socks?

5.Ellen doesn’t play basketball every day(改为肯定句)

Ellen _______ _______ every day.




1.A. these       B. twelve        C. be         D. we

2.A.dear         B.near           C.pear        D. clear

3.A. sweater     B. teacher      C. easy       D. please

4.A.same        B. tape          C. radio      D. fat

5.A. girls       B. photos        C. families   D. cups



Hello! Im 1. (a) English girl. I’m twelve years old. My first name is Jane. Miller is my  2. name. I like  3.(sport) and am good at playing ping-pong.

I have a classmate.  4.(he) name is John. He is our  5.(uncle) son. We are good  friends. For us, sports are   6.(relax). We have sports every day.

I have a new bedroom. It is very  7. (tidy).The walls are white and the floor is brown. There  8.(be) a big bed next to the window. It’s red and white. The desk is  9. the bed and the dresser. The bookcase is near the door and the  10. are in it. I like sports very much, so the books are usually about sports.



It’s time for our clothing sale. We only have this sale once a year. This year, prices are lower than ever, but the quality (质量) of our clothes is the same. How much are our blue pants? They’re only twelve dollars. How much are our swimsuits? This week, you can buy one for only fourteen dollars. And what’s the price of our T-shirt? Only eight dollars each! Or, you can buy two for fifteen dollars. And we have them in all colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Do you like Mango sweatshirts? This week, you can buy them for eighteen dollars. And our sports bags are only twelve dollars——that’s right, twelve dollars only.

Come to the Blue Water Surf Shop now. The sale starts today.

1. How much are their blue pants?

A. Twenty dollars.            B. Twelve dollars

C. Thirteen dollars.          D. Fifteen dollars.

2.If you want to buy two T-shirts, you only pay(付) ______.

A. eight dollars         B. fourteen dollars

C. fif3teen dollars      D. sixteen dollars

【小题】 You can buy______ in this shop.

A. sports bags   B. T-shirts  C. swimsuits      D. A,B&C

3. Which is true (正确)?

A. Swimsuits only ten dollars each this week.

B. They have pants in all colors.

C. There are not any sports bags in the store.

D. The quality of the clothes is good.

4. This article (文章) is _______.

A. an ad         B. a story (故事)

C. a notice      D. an e-mail



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