满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: 1. morning, Eric. B: Hi, Cindy. A: 2...


A: 1. morning, Eric.

B: Hi, Cindy.

A: 2. are you?

B: I’m fine,   3.. How are you?

A: 4.OK. Thank you.

B: Oh , look (看) ! 5.this in English?

A: It’s a pen.

B: 6.  it, please.

A: P- E- N.

B: 7.   8. is it?

A: 9. black10. yellow.


1.Good. 2.How 3.thanks 4.I’m 5.What’s 6.Spell. 7.What 8.color 9.It’s 10.and 【解析】 1.1】句意:早上好!根据句意判断,填Good。 2.2】句意:你好吗?根据句意判断,填How。 3.3】句意:我很好,谢谢你!根据句意,填thanks。 4.4】句意:我很好。根据句意,填I’m。 5.5】句意:用英语说这是什么?根据句意,填What’s。 6.6】句意:请拼写它。根据句意,填Spell。 7.7】句意:什么颜色的?根据句意,填What。 8.8】句意:什么颜色的?根据句意,填color。 9.9】句意:回答颜色用It’s,故填It’s。 10.10】句意:黑色和黄色。根据句意,填and。


1.--How is your father?

--He is f________.

2.This is an E _________book.

3.--What color is the p_____?

--It’s red.

4. This is a m________ of China.

5. Sit down, p__________ !




1.This isn’t my __________ (钥匙) .

2.The quilt is _________(紫色的).

3.Is that _________(夹克衫)black?

4.There is a _______(被子) in the bed.

5.I can read books ______(现在).




1.My father is fine. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your father?

2.Good morning.  (写出应答语)


3.This, black, white, and, is, a cat (.)(连词成句)


4.__________________________ ? (根据答句写出问句)

It's an orange.

5. Please spell it. (同义句改写)

__________it,________ .




(A)                             (B)

1.Nice to meet you!                A. R-U-L-E-R.

2.Good morning!                    B. Hi, Li Lei!

3.How do you do?                   C. I’m fine, thanks.

4.Spell it, please.               D. Good morning.

5.How are you?                     E. Nice to meet you, too.

6.Hello, Eric!                     F. How do you do?

7.What’s this in English?        G. Thank you.

8.What’s your name?               H. It’s a book.

9.What color is it?                I .My name is Lily.

10.Sit down(请坐), please.      J. It’s red.



Good morning! I am an English boy. My name is Frank Smith. My telephone number is 451-3175. My pen is blue, and my ruler is white. The girl is Grace Brown. Grace is a nice girl. Her telephone number is 535-9861. Her pen is black, and her ruler is red. Grace and I both like (都喜欢) numbers. Numbers are interesting.


1.Frank’s phone number is _________.

A. 451-3175   B. 535-9861

C. 415-3175   D. 553-9861

2. The girl’s last name is _______.

A. Frank      B. Smith      C. Grace      D. Brown

3. What color is Grace’s pen?

A. Blue.      B. Black.      C. White.     D. Red.

4. ______ is white.

A. Frank’s pen       B. Frank’s ruler

C. Grace’s pen       D. Grace’s ruler

5. What’s the meaning of (……的意思) "interesting"?

A. 兴奋的    B. 悲伤的     C. 有趣的    D. 枯燥的



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