满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What do you think __________ in the futu...

What do you think __________ in the future?

A. our life will be like

B. will our life be like

C. will our life like

D. our life was like


A 【解析】 试题分析:what will our life be like?我们的生活会怎么样。do you think是插入语后面用陈述语序。in the future用将来时态。故选A。 考点:考查句子的语序问题和时态。

I’m afraid Wenling will be more polluted. What can we do?

We can use ______ water and plant ______ trees.

A. more; more    B. less; fewer

C. less; more    D fewer; more



There ______ a football game next week.

A. is going to have     B. is going to be

C. will have            D. will be have



The movie theater is the best place _____on weekends.

A. to go         B. going to

C. go to        D. to go to



——What do you expect ______ from your hard work?

——Nothing, I just want to try my best.

A. get          B. got      C. getting          D. to get



——________do you go to the dentist?

——Let me see, twice a year, maybe.

A. How many    B .How much

C. How often    D. How soon



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