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1. The boy is old _________ to go to sw...


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1. The boy is old _________ to go to swimming alone.

2. Lucy and Lily can wash their clothes by _________.

3. Lin Tao likes _________ with chicken very much.

4.Our math teacher is very _________, but he is really a good teacher.

5. His father _________ to Beijing in two days.


1.enough 2.themselves 3.sandwiches 4.doubt 5.is flying/will fly 【解析】 1.1】考查enough用法。句意:这个男孩足够大了,可以独自去游泳了。enough足够的。放在形容词及副词的后面。 2.2】考查反身代词。句意:Lucy 和 Lily可以独自洗衣服了。by oneself靠自己,独自。 3.3】考查名词复数。句意:林涛非常喜欢三明治和鸡肉。根据句意可知用名词。以o,s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词变复数时,应加es。 4.4】考查形容词。句意:我们的数学老师非常的严肃,但是他真的是一个好老师。serious严肃的。 5.5】考查将来时。句意:我父亲两天后要飞往北京。根据“两天后”用将来时态。 考点:单词填空


When I was nine years old, my family     1.(搬到) to a new town.   2.(虽然) I was new there, I still   3. (交到) a lot of friends very soon.

After I entered a new elementary school(小学), I got to know more friends. My classmate Tom is my best friend. Tom is an energetic(精力充沛的) boy who loves sports very much and we often play ball games   4. (一起). Baseball is his favorite and he is    5.(擅长) at baseball than me. He often beats me in baseball but never   6. (嘲笑) at me. How I wish I could beat him some day!

When I grow up, I want to be an engineer so that I can build tall    7.(建筑物) . So I study really   8. (努力) and listen to the teacher very    9. __ (仔细地). With my great efforts, I believe my    10.(梦想)will come true.



Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again. They want to bring water to the desertsso people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.

Some places on the earth don't get much rain. But they still don't become desert. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places. Plants don't let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don't let the wind blow the earth(泥土) away.When a little bit of rain fallsthe plants hold the water.Without the plantsthe land can become a desert much more easily.

1.Why can the land become a desert?

A. Some places don't get much rain.

B. Plants don't let the hot sun make the earth even drier.

C. People are doing bad things to the earth.

D. Scientists haven't learnt enough about the deserts.

2.Scientists ______to make the deserts into good land again.

A. carry water  B. grow food

C. do nothing  D. study a lot

3.Which is NOT true?

A. The land never stops becoming desert.

B. Scientists ask the people to live in the deserts and grow food there.

C. People do bad things to the earth.

D. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.

4.Why are green plants and grass helpful?

A. They can hold the water.

B. They can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.

C. They can keep the earth wet.

D. All the above are right.

5.Which is the best title(题目) for the passage?

A. The Desert Problem.

B. People Make Deserts.

C. Green Plants and Grass.

D. The Desertthe Tree and theWater.



Toby and his friends are talking about what they want to do in the future. Toby wants to be an engineer. He wants to build roads, bridges and houses. David is interested in math and science, but he is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor.

Laura is good at music. She wants to be an artist. She is going to sing and dance for people. Lisa wants to be a reporter. She says, “I am going to talk with many famous people and I can learn a lot from them.” “What do you want to be?” Lisa asks Tina. Tina says, “Oh, I want to be an interpreter. So I must study hard at my foreign languages. Then I can help people communicate with foreigners.” What are you going to do when you grow up?

1. How many students are talking about their future work?

A. Two.       B. Three.        C. Four.      D. Five.

2.Who wants to be an artist?

A. Toby.      B. Laura.        C. Tina.      D. David

3.What does David wants to be?

A. A doctor.  B. An engineer.  C. An artist.   D. A teacher.

4.What does the underlined word interpreter” means in Chinese ?

A. 助理      B. 经理      C. 口译工作者     D. 导游

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Why should we study hard?

B. How to study well?

C. What are they going to do?

D. How to be a famous person?



Being outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even(甚至) shy people can be outgoing.

You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge(挑战)comes when you meet strange people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.

Start a talk. Just a simple “Hello” or “How is it going” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in newspapers and prepare(准备)your views, or surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind.

The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step ().Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.

1. You should start to be outgoing with _____.

A. your parents         B. your teachers

C. your best friend     D. your new friends

2. When you start a talk with a stranger, you’d better say “______”.

A. What’s the matter?         B. What’s your name?

C. How is it going?            D. Are you healthy?

3. Which is NOT the writer’s view?

A. Being outgoing is really difficult.

B. Being outgoing is good for our lives.

C. Being outgoing helps people have more fun.

D. Being outgoing with strangers is not easy.



  Here are the comparisons(对比) of four big supermarkets in London.






Business Hours (营业时间)









Eggs (1 kilo)





Apples (1 kilo)





Pork (1 kilo)








Just so-so


1.From above, we know the business hours of ______ is the longest.

A. Ocado       B. Morrisons     C. Asda      D. Aldi

2. People would not like to buy things in ________ because of the bad service.

A. Ocado       B. Morrisons     C. Asda      D. Aldi



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