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A 15-year-old student who invented a fla...

A 15-year-old student who invented a flashlight getting power from the holder's body heat is going home today from California with a big prize and a chance to do further research.

Ann Makosinski was the only Canadian among the four winners at Google's international science competition. Thousands of young scientists from around the world took part in the competition.

Winning the science and technology competition was "a surprise". Ann said, "I think it will have a great influence on my future."

Ann thanked her family for encouraging her interest in science and said that her first toy was a box of transistors(晶体管).

The ideas for the invention came from seeing unwanted batteries and her friend's experience. When Ann visited a friend in the Philippines, she saw the friend couldn't study when it became dark because there was no electricity or light. She saw the need for a flashlight that has no batteries - Hollow Flashlight.

In her project, Ann wrote "I made two flashlights that do not use any batteries or harmful materials. They do not create any noise and will always work. The flashlight needs at least a 5 temperature difference between the holder's body and the environment around to produce light."

A video of Ann explaining how she created the flashlight has been watched more than 1.4 million times on the Internet.

Though Ann was successful, she has not made a decision about her career path. Ann hope that she can find a way to join her love of film and science together.

The four winners were chosen from 15 final competitors from eight countries. The competition attracted thousands of students in 120 countries.

1.In which part of a newspaper can we probably read this passage?

A. Travel.      B. Culture.

C. Technology.   D. Advertisement.

2. The first paragraph is written to be a(n) ________.

A. introduction   B. warning

C. conclusion    D. discussion

3. Paragraph 5 mainly tells us ________.

A. what Ann saw in the Philippines

B. why Ann invented Hollow Flashlight

C. how Ann's family encouraged her interest

D. what prize Ann got for Hollow Flashlight

4.According to the passage, we learn ________.

A. easy to win the international science competition

B. Hollow Flashlight is safe, noiseless and can save energy

C. Ann has made a decision to be a scientist in the future

D. few people are interested in how Ann created the flashlight


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 【解析】 1.1】从文章主题把握。通过阅读全文可知Ann的发明。可知 C technology “科技”正确。 travel “旅游”;culture “文化”;advertisement “广告”。 2.2】段落概括题。第一段是介绍了一个发明了靠自身的能量发电的手电筒的15岁的学生今天正从California回家的途中,她不仅获了大奖还得到了进一步做研究的机会。可见 A introduction “介绍” 正确。warning“警告” conclusion “结论” discussion“讨论”。 3.3】段落概括题。由本段第一句The ideas for the invention came from seeing unwanted batteries and her friend's experience。可知是指发明的想法来自看见废电池和她朋友的经历。因此B why Ann invented Hollow Flashlight(为什么Ann 发明中空手电筒)正确。 4.4】细节理解题。从The four winners were chosen from 15 final competitors from eight countries. The competition attracted thousands of students in 120 countries.可知获奖很难,所以A 错误;由Though Ann was successful, she has not made a decision about her career path.可知C错误;由A video of Ann explaining how she created the flashlight has been watched more than 1.4 million times on the Internet.可知Ann发明视频的点击率很高,可知D 错误。 考点:新闻报道类文章。

                         Wanting: I want nothing but music

Wanting Qu,born and raised in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, has become one of the most popular singers in China this year. During the past few months, her name and songs have spread quickly on the Internet, over the radio, and in almost every corner of China. You would be considered totally “out” if you have never heard of her song “Stay in My Song”.

She is a girl full of courage. At only 16, Wanting left home and entered a Canadian school to study business, starting her life in a foreign country alone. Soonshe found that her true passion was music. She went on to get her degree(学位), but also tried her hand at songwriting. She did part-time jobs to keep on her study like many Chinese students who study in foreign countries, but never gave up her dream of being a musician. When the chance came, she bravely introduced herself to the CEO of Nettwerk and became the first Chinese singer-songwriter the company signed in 26 years.

Wanting’s music career started to take off in 2009 when she worked in Nettwerk. In 2011, after hearing the songs she wrote and recorded, the famous Chinese composer Zhang Yadong called her and would like to work with her.

With all the successes she has achieved in China, Wanting is recording her first English album. She is ready to conquer the world.

1.From the passage,we know that________.

A. Wanting Qu didn’t get used to her school life in China

B. Wanting Qu dreamed of being a musician before going abroad

C. Wanting Qu was taken to Canada because her parents found her a part-time job there

D. The song “Stay in My Song” made Wanting Qu popular around China.

2.What is the meaning of take off” in this passage?

A. 腾飞       B.脱衣     C.下滑     D. 关掉

3.What is Wanting going to do next?   She is going to_________

A. write songs by herself.

B. make people in the world know her music and love it.

C. work together with Zhang Yadong.

D. start her own business company,dreaming of becoming a CEO.



The story was a true one and still moved me deeply. Thirty years ago. I got to know a _______lady named Rose. She had no kids and lived alone. _______ I went to visit her, I always took Rose some coffee and food. One day she said she _______ me to have lunch.

We walked from my work place to a little restaurant on David Street. _______the way, I began to worry: I knew that she had no money, but if I offered to _______ the lunch, I was afraid I would hurt her.

There were many people in the _______ and all of them were happy. Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went to_______ in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, she came out and sat with me. She just paid for one meal and we started to_______ the delicious food together. She told_______ that the restaurant let people work for a meal if they had no money, or would give them a free meal if they were not able to work. To my surprise, she also explained that the workers _______  were working there were all volunteers.

I _______ remember the beautiful afternoon I shared with Rose. _______ we had a meal together only once, it was paid by Rose’s work. The weather was _______ and bright, and everyone’s smile was warm and bright as well.

I’m still thinking that life cannot be easy to us, but we can still do _______ for our friends and neighbors. The world will be _______ if everybody would like to share happiness with others. It will never be dark if there is a light in everyone’s heart.

1.A. rich        B. poor         C. strange     D. crazy

2.A. When        B. After        C. Until       D. Unless

3.A. will invite B. was inviting C. is inviting D. to invite

4.A. By          B. In           C. On          D. Out of

5.A. pay for    B. ask for      C. look for   D. care for

6.A. park        B. restaurant   C. hotel       D. bar

7.A. sit         B. rest         C. stay        D. work

8.A. buy         B. cook         C. enjoy       D. drink

9.A. her         B. him          C. me          D. you

10.A. who       B. whom         C. which       D. whose

11.A. never      B. still       C. hardly      D. already

12.A. So         B. But          C. Though      D. Because

13.A. hotter    B. cold         C. cool        D. warm

14.A. something  B. anything    C. nothing     D. everything

15.A. colder    B. nicer        C. harder      D. worse


























The World Cup _____________________________________ on the sports channel.




The film ________________________________________________________.



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