满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was my first day at school and I felt...

It was my first day at school and I felt nervous and afraid . I went to all my classes alone . I felt like      cared. I listened to all the lessons and patiently waited for the lunch break . Then finally the bell rang and it was time to talk and have      .

While waiting      , I met a new friend who wore a headscarf. We got along       , and I was so happy when she said , “ Sit with us at our table .” She pointed to the one next to the door . I agreed, and took my      and was about to walk with her       the floor, when suddenly I felt someone       me . “ Hey, I saw you on the bus ,” said a tall girl in a long skirt. “ I see you wear a Jewish necklace. You       sit with us .”

At that moment I       and , to my surprise , I found that it was like the nations of the world : the Spanish only sat with the Spanish , the Americans were only with the       , the Russians were always with the Russians , and       would the Arabs and the Jews sit together .

It was then that I saw the       why so many wars begin . Everyone stayed with other people of       background . The lunchroom was like a map of the world . Why was everyone so blind ?

So I       this girl, and returned to the first girl. They were all very friendly. That day I    _ a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those who were different from me .

1.A. everyone    B. anyone          C. no one         D. someone

2.A. fun         B. trouble         C. supper          D. rest

3.A. on line     B. in line         C. in classroom    D. in rain

4.A. good        B. bad            C. well           D. badly

5.A. book        B. plate           C. picture         D. drink

6.A. to          B. along          C. around          D. across

7.A. calling     B. noticing        C. moving         D. touching

8.A. looked around  B. look up      C. look into       D. Look after

9.A. Chinese     B. American        C. Russians       D. the Spanish

10.A. once       B. sometimes        C. always          D. never

11.A. reason     B. story          C. matter          D. duty

12.A. different  B. the opposite    C. the same        D. closed

13.A. refused    B. followed        C. listened to        D. fought against

14.A. walked    B. went           C. built           D. broke


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 【解析】 1.考查语境理解。句意:我觉得没有人关心。A:每个人B:任何人C:没有人D:某人。根据句意选C。 2.考查语境理解。句意:最后铃声响了,该到了谈话和取乐的时间了。A:have fun玩的开心B:麻烦C:晚餐D:休息。根据句意,选A。 3.考查动词和语境理解。句意:在教室里等的时候,我碰上了一位围着围巾的新朋友。A:在线B:排队C:在教室里D:在雨中。根据题意,选B。 4.考查语境理解。句意:我们相处得很好。get along well with是固定短语,相处的融洽。故选C。 5.考查语境理解。句意:我同意了,拿着盘子打算和他一起穿过楼层。A:书;B:盘子;C:图画;D:饮料。根据句意,选B。 6.考查介词和语境理解。句意:我同意了,拿着盘子打算和他一起穿过楼层。根据句意判断,故选D。 7.考查动词与语境理解。句意:突然我感到有人在摸我。feel sb doing感到某人在做某事。根据句意判断,选D。 8.考查语境理解。句意:你应该和我们坐在一起。A;不得不;B;可能;C:需要;D:应该,应当。根据句意,可推断出选D。 9.考查语境理解。句意:那一刻,我环顾四周,令我惊奇的是,我发现它就像世界各国一样。A:环顾四周B:查字典C:调查D:照看。根据句意判断选A。 10.考查形容词与词语辨析。句意:美国人只和美国人在一起。A:中国人;B:美国人;C:俄国人;D:西班牙人。根据句意判断,选B。 11.考查频度副词与语境理解。句意:阿拉伯人和犹太人从来不坐在一起。A:一次;B:有时;C:总是;D:从不。根据句意,选D。 12.考查语境理解。句意:那时我明白了为什么这么多的战争开始的原因了。A;原因;B:故事;C:事件;D:职责。根据句意,选A。 13.考查语境理解。句意:每个人都愿意和相同背景的人待在一起。A:不同的;B相反的;C:相同的;D:关闭的。根据句意判断选C。 14.考查动词与语境理解。句意:因此我拒绝了这个女孩,重新回到了第一个女孩那里。A:拒绝;B:跟随;C:听;D:对抗。根据句意判断选A。 15.考查动词和语境理解。 句意那天我建立起了2个世界之间的桥。A:步行;B:去;C:修建;D:打坏。根据句意判断选C。



to live a low—carbon life,convenient to rent and return,too much traffic, too crowded, produce the dirty gases and pollute the environment.....



Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think it’s a good thing.







I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low—carbon life.



Match the books with the brief introductions.

1.   Once you open the book, you will become a good speaker. Susan Weinschenk’s excellent ideas on how to make a perfect speech are very helpful to you. With the help of the book, you will be confident to know how to give your speech. Also, you will learn how to attract your audience during the speech.

2.   Car and Driver is the world’s most popular automotive magazine. The people who like cars can get information and entertainment from it. It offers the best vehicle (机动车) tests in the business. The magazine also covers the latest developments in car technology.

3.   There are four parts in IELTS: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is very important. Are you confident? Have you made good preparation? The book Listening for IELTS is helpful for your preparation for IELTS.

4.  The book offers healthy and delicious food. These dishes can all be completed in less than half an hour, and in many cases, in just a few minutes. Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick, delicious meals using local materials: meats, healthy fats (yes, and  real butter) and common herbs and spices.

5.If you are going to join in an English talk show, which of the following can you read

A. Car and Driver

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B. Quick & Easy Meals.

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C. Designing Effective Speech Interfaces.

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D. IELTS Listening

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Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful, popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have  1. of hot yoga before. Now, in India, a new kind of yoga, water yoga,  2.(become) more and more popular among the local people.

In the city of Agra, people practice yoga in water. It is _  3.(hard) to practice yoga in water than on land. But   4.(practice) yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).

Harish Chaturvedi, a lawyer,  5. people water yoga for freeeven the poor people can learn from him. Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga, because the body does not get tired so   6. ( quick), he said. Everybody can learn to swim, but if they learn yoga at the same time, they will never   7. tired.

The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water, and you will not have any trouble breathing, he added.

Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from   8.(ill). He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are   9. in it and come to learn from him.

Harish is very  10. at performing yoga in water, said Sudhir Narayan, a water yoga student. He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.



suggest,   happen,  well,   habit ,   remember



A: Hello!

B: Hi, John. Its Mary. So, whats  _______?

A: Well, would you please give me some ________ on how to remember English words?

B: Sure, Id love to. In fact, I learn English words by heart.

A: How can you do that?

B: First of all, it is necessary for you to have a good _______of remembering them.

A: Do I need to remember the words in each unit all at once?

B: No, you don’t need to. Try to learn by heart a few new words each day, follow the rules of pronunciation and you will finish _________all of them in one week.

B: Thank you for your good advice. Ill try my ________. Bye!

A: OK, bye-bye.



Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk   1.(几乎,差不多) 5,000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese   2.(统治者) called Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong was  3.煮沸) drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice   4.(气味) so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious. And so, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, the saint of tea,  5.(提到) Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the   6.(最好的)tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.

It is believed that tea was   7.(带到) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didn’t appear until around 1660, but less than 100 years later, it had become the  8.(民族的) drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to  9.(传播) the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without   10.(疑问) the ones who best understand the nature of tea.



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