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Parents, especially those of teenagers, ...

Parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their children's education more than anything 1..They usually do everything for their children. Many of them spend most of their free time helping their children 2. studies. If they have no time or cannot do it 3.(they), they would hire family teachers or send their children to after-class schools. It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for their children.

How can we explain the present situation? First, many parents have 4.(realize) that future success 5.(depend) more and more on skills and education. 6., in such a competitive society there are both losers and 7.. Those who have better skills and more knowledge will have 8.(chance).

In my 9., it is important to learn to succeed, but the 10.(one) thing to learn is how to survive, how to be a qualified citizen. If these are included in a good education, the children will surely have a bright future and be healthy in body and mind.


1.else 2.with 3.themselves 4.realized 5.depends 6.Second 7.winners 8.more chances 9.opinion 10.first 【解析】 1.1】结合语境及汉语提示,可知此处指的是其它事情。故填形容词else,其它的,作定语。 2.2】spend用于sb spend...on /with sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;根据汉语提示,可知填with。 3.3】结合语境及汉语提示,可知此处指的是,他们不能自己做。故填反身代词themselves。 4.4】联系前文助动词have,及汉语提示,可知填过去分词realized,许多父母意识到……。 5.5】联系山下文及汉语提示,可知本句指的是,未来的成功取决于越来越多的技能和教育。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性的动作,故用一般现在时态。主语success表示抽象含义,不可数,故谓语动词用单数,填depends。 6.6】根据前面的first可知,此处填Second。 7.7】联系上下文及汉语提示,可知填复数名词winners,和losers做并列表语。 8.8】那些有更多知识和技能的人将会有更多的机会。根据句意,填more chances 9.9】依我看…。联系上下文及汉语提示,可知填opinion。 10.10】结合语境及汉语提示,可知填序数词first,作定语。但是首要的是要明白如何生存,如何做一个合格的公民。


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One day, Mr. Smith drove his car to meet his friends at the station. When he found there was still quite some time before the train arrived, he 1. to take a short sleep. He was about to fall 2.when a young lady came and asked him the time. Mr. Smith opened his eyes and answered “half past eight”. With a “Thank you”, the woman 3.. After a short while this happened 4., so Mr. Smith wrote “I don’t know the time!” on a piece of paper and put it on the window of his car. But only a few 5. later, an old man came and woke him up, “Hi, young man, I can tell you the time, its nine o’clock now.”



It was very mysterious(神秘的) that on March 8th, the plane MH370 with 239 passengers had got lost connection with stations on the ground on the high altitude 10,668 meters above and there were no clues at all. Seven 1.(亚洲的) countries, including Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines, have taken an 2.  (积极的) part in the search of the wreckage(残骸) for signs of survivors since it     happened. Later, America and Germany are also doing their best for the exploration of any news. But they also 3. (失败) to find the clues.

Then based on the 4.(知识) we learn from the Internet can you imagine where the airplane MH370 is 5.(确切地) gone? Is it a normal air crash? Or E.T. creatures from the outer space are the criminal(罪犯)? If so, why do they choose Mh370? Has it fallen to a no man’s land, a desert or the sea? Are all the passengers and staffs still alive or 6. (死)?

It 7. (像) like a fancy film or a horror film. But its hurt to the poor passengers and staffs and its 8. (影响) on their families and 9.(亲属) are so real. 10. (无论什么) the result will be or there is no result in this century, pray for the passengers and staffs lost. Best wishes.

Praying for them.




When Mr. Brown entered the classroom that Friday morning, he stopped at the blackboard.  For there, on the blackboard, were words in huge red letters: BROWN IS STUPID!

Mr. Brown thought for a moment. This could only have been the work of one of the four boys who had been kept in after school the day before.

Mr. Brown turned the blackboard around so that the words could not be seen. Half an hour later,Mr. Brown wrote four names on the board: Gerald, Alex, Michael and Laurie. Then he said, “I want these four to stay in the classroom. The rest of you may go to the playground.”

The four boys came to the blackboard. “One of you has written a most impolite remark on the blackboard,” he stared (盯着看)at them and thundered, “which one of you did it?”

The four boys gathered closer together, afraid of what was to come.

“Was it you, Gerald?”

Gerald shook his head. “No, it was not me, Sir,” he gave the teacher a most sincere look in his wide eyes.

“What do you have to say, Alex?”

“I don’t know anything about it, Sir,” said Alex, and his ears turned red.

Michael had a bright idea. “Perhaps someone broke in during the night,” he said. “And when he saw the lovely red chalk lying there, he wrote something on the blackboard.”

“Is that the best you can think so, Michael?” asked the teacher.

“I only thought ...”

“And what about you, Laurie?”

Laurie said in a rather low voice, “I didn’t do it, Sir. I don’t even know what it says on the blackboard.”

“You really don’t know what’s written there?” Mr. Brown asked. “And I don’t think dear Gerald knows either.”

“No, Sir. No idea.”

“Michael, Alex, can either of you tell me what it says on the blackboard?”

“No, Sir!” the two boys answered together. Brown walked forward and his fingers seized(揪住) a schoolboy. He said in his kindest and softest voice to the other three boys, “Very well. I only punish the one who has been telling lies, and you three may go to the playground!”

1. What did Mr. Brown write on the blackboard?



C. The rules of the class

D. The names of the four boys

2. Which of the following can be put into “______” in Paragraph 3?

A. all the students arrived

B. all the children laughed

C. the four students ran away

D. the headmaster came in

3. The underlined word “thundered” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “______”.

A. asked softly  B. said slowly

C. spoke happily  D. shouted loudly

4.Who has been telling lies?

A. Gerald          B. Alex              C. Michael    D. Laurie

5.The word that can best describe Mr. Brown is “______”.

A. honest       B. smart

C. hard-working  D. warm-hearted



Have you ever thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you grow up? Many people think that we can have only one job in our lifetime. We all know that this is not true, but quite a few people actually think this way. For example, when people choose a major (专业) in college, they think that the decisions they make now will decide their jobs for the rest of their lives. However, there are many examples where people became successful after changing their careers (职业) later in life.

J. K. Rowling, writer of the famous novel Harry Potter, was actually a school teacher before she began writing books. In fact, she was out of work before the first Harry Potter book came out.

Former US President Ronald Reagan began as an actor when he was a young man. He later decided that he wanted to do political work. This kind of passion (激情) finally led him to become President of the United States.

The famous 19th century artist Vincent Van Gogh was not a painter from the beginning. He once worked as an art salesman and later became a preacher. It was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.

Careers are always open to change. The important thing is to find what you are really good at or what you really want to do. Once you find that passion, it’s all a matter of how hard you try.

1.______ was a teacher before he (she) became famous.

A. Vincent Van Gogh B. Ronald Reagan

C. J. K. Rowling    D. Harry Potter

2. The underlined word “political” in Paragraph 3 means ______ in Chinese.

A. 政治的       B. 艺术的        C. 文学的         D. 经济的

3. According to the passage, the most important thing to think of when choosing a career is ______.

A. what major you choose in college

B. how much money you can make

C. changing jobs as often as possible

D. finding what you really want to do

4. How is the passage organized? (Par = Paragraph)

A. Par 1→Pars 2~4→Par 5

B. Pars 1~2→Par 3→Pars 4~5

C. Par 1→Pars 2~3→Pars 4~5

D. Pars 1~2→Pars 3~4→Par 5



It can’t be truer that when in Rome do as the Romans do. So it’s important for you to know what you can talk with the local people in other countries.

In France

You’ll find that conversations often turn into heated discussions. You’d better give opinions only on subjects that you are knowledgeable about. There is seldom a moment of silence, except when the topic under discussion has been finished, and nothing new has been introduced.

Food, art, music and current events or history are welcome topics. The French believe in freedom, and you can criticize(批评) anyone, but not Napoleon, who is a symbol of French spirit and never use the conversation opener “What do you do?”.

In Australia

Australians are excited about discussions. Many topics may be open to discussion, such as religion and politics. The best way, however, is to wait for Australians to bring up these two subjects; be prepared to listen to what they are talking about.

Australians like to criticize themselves, but they can’t stand being criticized by others. Don’t talk big. Instead, Australians prefer to judge(判断) your abilities through your actions. People who show off their education in conversation may be laughed at.

In Switzerland

The Swiss may seem cold. Once you get close to them, however, you’ll find that they are honest, responsible people, who will respect your interests much.

They are good listeners and will remember almost everything you say to them. Sometimes they will even take notes while you speak. The Swiss are very private people, so you should avoid asking personal questions. They can be rather serious, so it is advisable to avoid making jokes on them.

1.According to the passage, it’s better NOT to criticize ___        ___.

A. the Romans        B. the French

C. the Australians   D. the Swiss

2.From the passage we know that __     ____.

A. the Swiss are not as cold as they seem to be

B. the French can’t stand the heated discussions

C. the Australians like to talk about their success

D. the French usually have a conversation about jobs

3.The writer wants to tell us ____     __.

A. what to introduce to foreigners

B. how to live in foreign countries

C. how to get along with foreigners

D. what to talk about in foreign countries



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