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根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Th...


Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday of November, which this year(2014) is November 20th . Thanksgiving Day is most closely 1.     (与……有联系) with the earliest history of America. In 1620, the Pilgrims(清教徒) went to America by ship and wanted to2.       (发现) a place where they could be free. After two 3..        (月), they landed on a place called Plymouth on an icy November day. 4.        (在……期间) their first winter, over half of them died because of the 5.      (影响) of hunger or diseases. The rest of them began growing crops in the first spring. All summer long they waited for the harvests with great wishes that were

6.         (有帮助的). Finally everything came true. Therefore a day of thanksgiving was

7.    (建议). Years later, the fourth Thursday of November is celebrated 8.       (广泛地) as Thanksgiving Day every year. The big Family dinner is planned before September. On that day, people can find apples, oranges, 9.      (葡萄) and other fruits, they can also find all kinds of delicious food. 10.       (然而), the best, most traditional and favorite food is turkey and pumpkin pie. Till today Thanksgiving Day has been one of American most national holidays.


1.connected 2.discover 3.months 4.During 5.influence 6.helpful 7.suggested 8.widely 9.grapes 10.However 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了感恩节。感恩节和美国的最早历史有密切的联系。在1620年,清教徒乘船去美国,想发现一个自由的地方,他们在普利茅斯登陆。在他们的第一个冬天期间,有一半多的人死去。来年他们获得丰收,因此人们把每年的11月的第四个星期四当作感恩节来庆祝。 1. closely connected with“和……有密切联系”,故此处为connected。句意:感恩节和美国的最早历史有密切的联系。 2. to do sth“想做某事”,故此处用动词原形discover。句意:在1620年,清教徒乘船去美国,想发现一个自由的地方。 3. 4. the winter“在冬季期间”,故此处为During。句意:在他们的第一个冬天期间,有一半多的人死去。 5. influence of“……的影响”,故此处用名词influence。句意:因为饥饿或疾病的影响,他们中一半多的死去。 6. 7. +done,故此处用过去分词suggested。句意:因此有人建议这一天是感恩节。 8. 9. fruits可知此处表示水果,表示类别故用名词的复数形式,故为grapes。句意:在那天,人们会发现苹果、桔子、葡萄和其他水果。 10. they can also find all kinds of delicious food.可知在感恩节上有各种各样的美味食物,根据the best, most traditional and favorite food is turkey and pumpkin pie.可知此处指的是最好的食物,因此此处表示转折关系,根据逗号,可知此处用转折连词However。句意:然而,最好的、最传统的、最喜欢的食物是火鸡和南瓜派。 考点:短文填空。


I,  leaf,  proud,  fail,  complete


1.When the ______ are ready, tea plants are picked by hand.

2.Tom, please watch TV after your homework is _________.

3.Our monitor got the first prize on the English competition, we are all _______ of him.

4.Cindy doesn’t study for the test. So she ______ the exam at last.

5.Mum, I am old enough to take car of ________.



The London Olympic Games are coming soon. This summer, Chinese sports fans will be able to watch the exciting games in 3-D on CCTV.

When you watch 3-D movies or TV, you have to wear a special pair of glasses. The 3-D glasses make the people and the things on the screen look like they are in the room with you.

3-D, means having three dimensions*: width*, height and depth*. 3-D technology is based on the way the human brain and eye work. Because the pupils of a person’s eyes about 6.5cm apart, when we look at something, each eye sees it from different angle*. Our eyes send the two pictures to our brain, and the brain puts them together. The small difference between the picture from the right eye and the picture from the left eye makes us see depth.

While watching 2-D films, we don’t have to wear the special glasses. We see the pictures in two dimensions, each eye get same information. This is because there is only one way of watching it.

So the aim of 3-D technology is to get a different picture into each eye of the person. It uses two film projects. One projects a left eye picture and the other projects a right eye picture. When we are in the cinema, we can see different pictures in each eye at the same time with the help of the 3-D glasses.

While watching 3-D films, we feel that we are actually in the same environment as the things we are watching. However, some people are against watching 3-D films. One of the reason is the 3-D glasses make the screen of the film or TV look darker. It is bad for eyes. What’s more, people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3-D movies, because their brains need to work harder to “read” the pictures.

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1.The third paragraph mainly tells us _____________.

A. how we see things in 3-D

B. how we watch the Olympic Games

C. how 3-D films are made

D. where we watch 3-Dfilms or TV

2.When we watch a 2-D film, each of our eyes gets ______ information.

A. no      B. different     C. dark     D. the same

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. We don’t have to wear 3-Dglasses if we watch games in 3-D on TV.

B. The 3-D technology is depended on the way the human ear and eye work.

C. All the people can have fun watching 3-D movies or TV for a long time.

D. 3-D glasses make us see different pictures in each eye at the same time.

4.Why are some people against watching 3-Dfilms? Because ________.

A.they make them more excited or sadder.

B.3-D glasses make the screen look darker.

C.3-D films make all people get headaches.

D.They dislike watching the Olympic Games.



Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are studying. But unluckily, most students don’t know how to take notes.

Write down key facts. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that’s great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may focus* on lots of dates and facts* in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may say something important again and again.

Ask. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you miss. If your teacher speaks too fast and you can’t follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.

Compare. Comparing your notes with your classmates’ can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.

Organize. Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one notebook, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.

Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, you’ll surely have less time to watch TV. But you’ll save time in the coming test.

1.If you can’t follow your teachers in class, what should you do?

A. Ask them after class.

B. Ask them before class.

C. Stop listening in class.

D. Complain to them about the class.

2.Which way can help you correct mistakes in your notes?

A. Organizing the notes.

B. Recopying your notes after class.

C. Asking your teachers for help.

D. Comparing your notes with others’

3.Which can be the BEST title for this passage?

A. How to take notes

B. What to do in class

C. How to study for a test

D. What to do with problems



Are you thinking about what to do in your free time? Come and join us — Youth Club! Join in lessons and activities. It’s fun! For more information, call 13812427108!



Monday~ Friday 6:00 ~ 7:30pm

Computer lessons for beginners

Saturday and Sunday 8:00 ~ 9:00 pm

Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open

Monday, Wednesday 7:30 ~ 9:30pm

Dance lessons for dance lovers

You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances.

Monday ~ Sunday

Swimming pool open

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 ~ 7:30 pm

Cooking lessons

Learn to cook delicious dishes from all over China

The 2nd and last Saturday of every month 7:00 ~ 9:30 pm

Concert time Enjoy Swedish rock, American jazz and beautiful songs from different parts of the word!

1.Rose is free after 7:20pm. Which lessons can she take?

A. Computer lessons    B. Dance lessons

C. Cooking lessons     D. Both computer and cooking lessons

2.If Dick wants to swim after playing basketball, when can he go to the club?

A. Monday and Wednesday.   B. Monday and Sunday.

C. Saturday and Sunday.    D. Monday to Saturday.

3.How often does the club have music concerts?

A. Twice a month          B. Twice a week

C. Four times a month     D. Five times a week




I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.

One day, while I was      on the street, I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to      where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

She was singing songs about love,      yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there      , watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be      enough to perform in front of so many people.

She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her       sounded. "Thank you." she said.

"I have been going through a hard time recently,      you've made me hopeful again." I said to her.

"I’m glad that I could help," she replied. "Why are you so      ?”

"Well, my mum has lost her job, and I’m not so sure what to do... "

"Did you notice the          you were walking? Your head was down." she said. "Don’t be upset, because          comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should      more ... lift your head up. "

I looked       her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. "      are you playing the piano here?"

I asked her with a smile.

She      that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer    up by playing music.

I smiled a little wider, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.

1.A. driving     B. riding      C. running     D. walking

2.A. find out     B. send out    C. take out     D. get out

3.A. dressing     B. believing    C. hurting      D. losing

4.A. nervously    B. rudely      C. angrily      D. quietly

5.A. brave       B. shy        C. bored          D. honest

6.A. advice      B. idea        C. music         D. interest

7.A. or         B. but         C. so            D. and

8.A. dirty      B. busy       C. sad           D. lazy

9.A. way      B. time         C. reason        D. station

10.A. opportunity  B. health     C. pain        D. life

11.A. complain    B. rest       C. smile       D. pay

12.A. like        B. after       C. for         D. at

13.A. How      B. Why         C. When       D. Where

14.A. dreamed    B. hoped      C. guessed        D. explained

15.A. us         B. them          C. me          D. her



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