满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We should take care ________ ourselves. ...

We should take care ________ ourselves.

A. to        B. for        C. of


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们应该照顾好自己。to 到; for为;of……的。Take care of照顾,照料;take care to do sth小心做某事,当心做某事;take care for顾惜。所以选C。 考点:考查介词。  

—What’s wrong with you?  It’s ________.

A. nothing serious

B. serious nothing

C. serious something



We will stay at home instead of ________.

A. walking     B. to walk     C. walk



书面表达 (15分)

忙碌的初三生活已经开始,如何安排好自己的初三学习和生活呢?沉重的课业负担将取代一切吗?答案当然是否定的。如何合理安排自己的初三生活,你肯定有自己实实在在的打算。应该怎样完善自己,做到学习与生活两不误,请你以“How to be an excellent student”为题,写一篇英语短文。

内容要点  1.遵守校纪校规(按时到校、不吸烟等);




5.参加志愿者工作(volunteer work),为贫困地区学校(the school in the poor area)捐赠学习用品(school things)等


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短文填空 (每空2分,共16分)

We have a lot of     1.  at school. We have to wear    2.   every day. But most of my classmates think the uniforms are not beautiful. We want to wear our     3.   clothes. Our teachers are afraid that we may concentrate(集中)    4.   on our clothes than on our studies. We enjoy    5.   homework with friends. But parents don’t allow us to do that. Because they think we’ll talk    6.    of study. I disagree. We learn a lot     7.   each other. I want to be a teacher when I’m older. Last week I visited a primary school and helped teach students there. I felt    8.   after I helped them.



口语应用 (每小题1分,共5分)

JACK: Hi, Mike. We haven’t seen for several days. How’s it going?

MIKE: Not bad. _______1.____

JACK: Pretty good! Are you free this Sunday afternoon?

MIKE: . _______2.____. What’s up?

JACK: There is going to be a basketball match in our school. _______3._____.

MIKE: Yes, of course. But which team is our school going to play against?

JACK: . ______4._____.

MIKE: Really? I think our team is very strong .

Perhaps we will win the match.

JACK: But I hear that their team is strong, too.

MIKE: I’m sure it must be a wonderful match.

JACK: I think so. ______5._____.

MIKE: Let’s meet in the playground at 3:00 pm.

JACK: OK. See you then.

MIKE: See you.

A.Would you like to watch it?

B.What about you, Jack?

C.No, I wasn’t.

D.The team from No. 2 Middle School.

E.Where and when shall we meet?

F.Yes, I am.

G.How are we going there?




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