满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Wei Hua is a high school student and he ...

Wei Hua is a high school student and he is pretty healthy. He does exercise every day. He does it usually when he comes home after school. And his eating habits are pretty healthy. He tries to eat more vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. Of course, he loves junk food, too. But he tries to eat it only once a week. He usually keeps eight or nine hours’ sleep every day. So you see, he looks very healthy and happy. And his good lifestyle(生活方式) helps him become clever, too. Eating healthy food and doing exercise help him to study better.

1. How often does Wei Hua do exercise?

A. Once a week.        B. Seldom.             C. Every day.

2.How often does he eat vegetables?

A. Once a week.

B. Ten to eleven times a week.

C. Seldom.

3.Does Wei Hua like junk food?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn’t.

C. He likes it very much.

4.How long does he sleep every day?

A.7-8 hours.

B. more than 10 hours.

C. 8 or 9 hours.

5.What help him to study better?

A. Study hard.

B. Eating healthy food and doing exercise.

C. Have a good sleep.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文介绍了魏华的日常生活、饮食、锻炼情况。合理的睡眠、健康的的饮食、以及坚持锻炼使得他学习更好。 1.第一行He does exercise every day可知他每天都做运动。所以该选C。 2.第二行He tries to eat more vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week可知他尽量多吃蔬菜,通常一个星期吃十到十一次。所以该选B。 3.第三行Of course, he loves junk food, too.可知他也喜欢垃圾食品,所以该选A。 4.第四行He usually keeps eight or nine hours’ sleep every day.可知他通常会保持每一天八或九小时的睡眠时间。所以该选C。 5. healthy food and doing exercise help him to study better. 可知吃健康的食物和锻炼帮助他更好的学习。所以该选B。 考点:日常生活类阅读。

Jack Brown was very quiet as Dr. Johnson examined him. The doctor looked at the boy’s throat, took his temperature and listened to his heart. Finally, he asked Jack’s mother a few questions.

“When did Jack begin to feel ill?” “This morning when he got up. He said he felt too sick to go to school today.” “What did he eat for breakfast?” “He got orange juice, two pieces of bread, an egg and a glass of milk.” “I see.” the doctor asked Jack, “How do you feel now,my boy?” Jack answered, “Terrible, I think I’m going to die(死).” The doctor said, “You won’t die. In fact, you’ll be fine by dinner time.” “Oh, doctor! Do you really think so?” Jack’s mother looked very glad. Dr. Johnson answered, “Mrs. Brown, your son has a sickness that is common(普通的)to boys at a time like this. It comes and goes quickly.”

Mrs. Brown said, “But I don’t understand.” “Today,” the doctor told her, “the most exciting football final of the World Cup is on TV. If Jack feel well enough to watch TV this afternoon, and I think he does. He will be fine when the final is over. It’s the only cure(疗法) I know of this sickness. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go across the street to see the Fords boy, Steve. He seems to have the same thing as Jack has today.”

1.Jack said that he didn’t feel well when he __________.

A. had breakfast    B. went to school     C. got up

2.Jack’s mother ___________.

A. was happy

B. thought Jack was really ill

C. examine Jack

3.Jack ate _______for breakfast.

A. very little       B. a lot       C. nothing

4.What did Jack really want to do?

A. He wanted to watch the football final on TV.

B. He wanted to be ill.

C. He wanted to go to school.

5. In fact, Jack and Steve ___________

A. were not ill at all

B. wanted to watch the football final on TV

C. both A and B






Daniel Radcliffe

Born in London, England in 1989

An actor

Played the part of Harry Potter

Celine Dion

Born in Montreal, Canada in 1968

A singing star

In 1997, sang My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic

Thomas Edison

Born in 1847, Kentucky, the USA

Made over 1,000 inventions

Died in 1931

Bill Gates

Born in 1955 in the USA

Wrote Business@ the Speed of Thought

Owns Microsoft Company

Mark Twain

Born in 1835 in the USA

A writer

Wrote Tom Sawyer

Died in 1910

1.Who is the youngest of the people?

A. Daniel Radcliffe.

B. Celine Dion.

C. Bill Gates.

2. ________ people of the five people come from the USA.

A. Five       B. Four      C. Three

3.My Heart Will Go On is the name of a ________.

A. film       B. book       C. song

4.Thomas Edison died at the age of ________.

A. 83       B. 84       C. 85

5. Who wrote Tom Sawyer?

A. Mark Twain.   B. Bill Gates.    C. Celine Dion.




Last week, I had a wonderful summer camp with my classmates.

We     at the bus station early in the morning. After saying     to our parents, we got on the bus. We     two hours arriving at the campground.

When we got there, everyone got off the bus     , laughing and shouting. We jumped and ran around the campground. It was the    time for us to be away from parents. So some of us began to feel homesick (想家的).    , when the night party and dances began, the homesickness disappeared.

The next day, we had a   of climbing a mountain. At first, we climbed quickly. But on the half way, we were so     that we would like to give up. Our teacher     cheering us on. We believed that we could do better than others. Finally, we did well and my team won the match.

   is difficult in the world if you keep trying”, said our teacher. I also learnt a lot from the camp.

1.A. left    B. saw     C. met

2.A. goodbye   B. sorry     C. yes

3.A. took    B. spent     C. paid

4.A. happily   B. bravely    C. sadly

5.A. one    B. first     C. last

6.A. And    B. Or     C. However

7.A. interest   B. idea     C. match

8.A. tired    B. excited    C. happy

9.A. stopped   B. kept     C. enjoyed

10.A. Something  B. Everything    C. Nothing



—He plays basketball so well! Who taught _______?

—He learnt it by _______.

A. him; him    B. himself; him    C. him; himself



Watching TV too much ________bad for you eyes.

A. are        B. was       C. is



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