满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—How many birds can you see in the trees...

—How many birds can you see in the trees?

—I can see ______ birds.

A. hundred of        B. hundreds of

C. five hundreds     D. five hundreds of


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你可以看到在树上有多少只鸟?-我可以看到好几百只鸟。Hundred表示确切数字时不用复数,不与of连用;但表示概数时必须使用复数并且与of连用。所以选B。 考点:考查数词。  

______ junk food is unhealthy food,  ______ lots of kids like eating it.

A.lthough, but         B. Although, /

C. Because, so        D. Because, /



I study _____ my math test ______Tuesday afternoon.

A. at; on      B. on; for       C. for; in       D. for; on



There’s ____ in the book, so no one is interested in it.

A. special something   B. special nothing

C. anything special     D. nothing special



Tom wants to be ____ engineer when he _____ up.

A. an, grows     B. an, will grow

C. a, is growing   D. the ,grow




1.She is an _____________(善解人意的) girl. Yon can talk with her.

2.I want to be a ________(科学家)in the future.

3.He didn’t go to bed __________ (直到……为止) his mother came back.

4.Thanks for your _________________ (邀请).

5.When she saw the birthday cake, she was very_______(吃惊)and happy.

6.I hardly e__________ eat junk food, I think it’s bad for my health.

7.Mum, it’s time for the talk show. Please help me t__________ on the TV.

8.In the future, everything will be f__________. We won’t need any money.

9.All the students are studying f_________ an exam to get good grades.

10.I’m not sure what I should take to the party. Could you give me some a_________



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