满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

句型转换。(10分) 1.He has to study for a test....


1.He has to study for a test. (一般疑问句)

_____ he _____    to study for a test?

2.We’ll come back in an hour.(划线提问)

will you come back?

3.I think there will be more pollution in the future.(否定句)

I              there       be more pollution in the future.

4.Li Lei is so young that he can’t go to school. (合并为一句)

Li Lei is__________ young __________ go to school.

5.You can’t pass the exam if you don’t work hard.(同义句)

You can’t pass the exam         you work hard.


1.Does,have 2.How,soon 3.don’t,think,will 4.too,to 5.unless 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:他不得不为考试学习。这是一个一般现在时态的句子,而且句子主语是第三人称单数,所以要变为一般疑问句,可借助助动词Does来表达。加了助动词does,实义动词必须恢复原形,因此在改写后句子的空白处填写Does,have。 2.句意:我们会在一小时后回来。句中划线提问表示将来时间,对其提问可用how soon引起问句。因此在改写后句子的空白处填写How,soon。 3.句意:我认为将来会有更多的污染。这是一个带宾语从句的主从复合句,并且主句谓语动词是think,所以要变否定句,需将主句谓语动词否定,而从句不变。因此在改写后句子的空白处填写don’t,think,will。 4.句意:李磊太年轻了,他不能去上学。这是一个主从复合句,由于从句中含有情态动词can的否定形式,所以可以改为一个too…头结构的简单句。因此在改写后句子的空白处填写too,to. 5.句意:如果你不努力学习,你就不能通过考试。也就是说:你不能通过考试,除非你努力学习。因此在改写后句子的空白处填写unless。 考点:句型转换。


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1.People usually __________________ deciding the winner. .

2.They are going to ___________ a hobby like singing or taking photos..

3.We shouldn’t _____________________ our problems.

4.Although Lily and Lucy are twins, they ______ nothing ________.

5.After the earthquake a year ago, many buildings ____________.



I won’t play with him if he ______ tomorrow.

A. go climbing B. will go climbing

C. goes climbing D.went climbing



Tom enjoys  ______  TV at night.

A. watches  B. watch   C. watching   D. watched



Bill often makes us ___________, so we all like him.

A. laugh         B. to laugh         C. laughed       D. laughing



--Can you come to his birthday party?  --- ____ .I have a flu.

A. Yes. I'd love to   B. Sorry, I can't

C. Yes, I can         D. Sure



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