满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are _____ months in a year. The___...

There are  _____ months in a year. The_____ month is September.

A. twelve; nine        B. twelfth; ninth

C. twelve; ninth       D. twelfth;nineth


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:一年有12个月,第九个月是九月。基数词表示数量,序数词表示次序。结合选项可知,一年的12个月表示数量,第九个月表示次序,其中“第九”应表达为ninth,故选C。 考点:考查数词的用法。  

Let’s have _____ break. I want to make  _____  telephone call.

A. a; a      B. the; a      C. a; the      D. the; the




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1.I am in Grade Seven. February 8th is my_______________ birthday.

2.There are three_______________ on the table.

3.Jack likes old music because it _______________ relaxing.

4.My book is not here. It’s an ___________book.

5.Our geography teacher is_______________.




1.There is a big _______________ (图书馆) near here.

2.They are my parents, I like_______________ (他们) very much

3.Do you like this _______________ (模型) plane ?

4.We all _______________ (知道)fruit is healthy food.

5.It is _______________ (一月) now.




如果你有很多钱,你会用这些钱来做什么?请根据所给的提示单词和词组,以If I have a lot of money 为题写一篇不少于80词的短文。


a big house, parents, a happy life, help, poor children, go to school, get education, give, old people’s homes, plant more trees and flowers, city, more beautiful.

If I have a lot of money









补全对话 (5分,有两项是多余的)

A = Amy; C = Cathy

A: Hey, Cathy. How about going with me to buy some clothes?

C: OK! 1.__      __ because it will rain this afternoon.

A: Where shall we go?

C: What about that department store next to the Shangrila Hotel?

A: I think it’s too expensive. 2.__      __

C: OK! I didn’t know about it. I’m interested to see what clothes they have.

A: 3.__     _

C: I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring.

A: I need some. 4.__     __

C: Many of your clothes are dark, so why don’t you choose some bright colors?

A: I agree. Hey, it’s already 3:00 pm. 5.__     _

A. How about this red shirt?

B. It’s a good idea to go soon.

C. What colors do you think look good on me?

D. Why not buy this pair of shoes?

E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front of the train station?

F. What should I buy?

G. Let’s try to get on the bus.











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