满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. and Mrs White have a son and two dau...

Mr. and Mrs White have a son and two daughters.  They have a cat and a big house. In front of the house there are some trees and two cars. On weekends they go to the beach(海滩). Mr. White works from Tuesday to Friday. Mrs. White works from Tuesday to Saturday. They are teachers. Their students like them very much. There is a gym (体育馆)near their house. They often go there to watch soccer games because their son’s favorite sport is football. Mr. White’s favorite sport is table tennis. Their daughters don’t like sports. They like to see movies. Their family are very happy.

1.How many people are there in the family?

A. Seven          B. Six          C.Four             D. Five

2.What is in front of their house?

A. Some trees and two cars.

B. A gym.

C. Two cars.

D. Some trees, two cars and a gym.

3.Who works on Saturday?

A.Mr. and Mrs. White.  B. Mr. White.

C.Mrs. White.         D. No one.

4.What sport does Mr. and Mrs. White’s son like?

A. I don’t know.    B. Football.

C. Table tennis.   D. Basketball.

5.What’s Mr. White’s job?

A. A worker.      B. A teacher.

C. A manager.     D. A doctor.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要介绍了怀特先生的家庭情况。文章介绍了怀特先生有一儿两女,房前有一些树木和两辆车子,周末他们经常去海滩。文章还介绍了怀特夫妇都是老师,他们上班时间不一样。他们还经常和儿子去观看足球比赛,但是他们的女儿喜欢看电影。他们的家庭很幸福。 1.“Mr. and Mrs White have a son and two daughters.”的描述可知,怀特的家庭有五口人。故选D。 2.短文“In front of the house there are some trees and two cars.”的描述可知,怀特先生的房前有一些树木和两辆车子。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据短文“Mrs. White works from Tuesday to Saturday.”的描述可知,怀特太太星期六也需要上班,故选C。 4.“They often go there to watch soccer games because their son’s favorite sport is football.”的描述可知,怀特先生的儿子最喜欢的运动是足球。故选B。 5.“They are teachers.”的描述可知,怀特先生和太太都是老师。故选B。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


Helen is a student. She usually gets up at 6:00 in the morning. Then she has      at 6:30 a.m. She goes to school     7:00 a. m.. She is never late for school(从不迟到). Helen is a clever girl,     she doesn’t have any friends.  One morning , on her way to school, she finds       yellow cat. She thinks,“The cat can’t find     way home.” So she     it to the zoo.Then she hurries(急忙) to     , but she is late. All the students and her     look at her. Her face looks red. After class, her teacher says to the students.“Helen is a     girl. She finds a cat and takes it to the     .”Now all her classmates like her.

1.A. breakfast  B. lunch     C. dinner   D. picnic

2.A. of     B. in      C. at       D. to

3.A. and     B. but         C. if    D. so

4.A. a     B. an         C. the       D. /

5.A. my     B. your     C. their     D. its

6.A. to take    B.taking     C. takes     D. take

7.A. school    B. zoo     C. home     D. farm

8.A. father    B. teacher        C. Brother      D. sister

9.A. new        B. strong     C. heavy     D. kind

10.A. class    B. school        C. zoo  D. hospital



My cousin, Tim, _______ bananas very much.

A. likes eat     B. like eating

C. likes eating   D. like to eat



  —______ is your father?

He is 42 years old.

A. How    B. How much    C. How old    D. How many



Hello! My name is Zhang Liangying. _______ is my last name.

A. Zhang    B. Liang         C. Ying           D. Liangying



-- Can you play the guitar?

-- No, I _____ .But I _____ play the piano

A.can;can       B. can’t;can’t

C.can’t ;can   D. can;can’t



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