满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Today is November 20th. It’s my sister M...

Today is November 20th. It’s my sister Mary’s 8th birthday. In the morning, my parents take us to Zig Zag’s Clothes Store. There my mother buys a red sweater for Mary. And we go to Huaxing Book Store. There I buy some CDs for Mary. My father also buys a book for Mary, and its name is Harry Potter. It’s Mary’s favorite book.

In the afternoon, my parents have a birthday party for Mary at home. Mary’s friends, Bill and Cindy come to the party. Bill brings(带来) a new pencil box to Mary. Mary likes it very much. Cindy gives Mary an English-Chinese dictionary. Mary is very happy. Oh, I’m Mary’s brother. My name is Nick.

1.Mary is _______ years old this year.

A. 9             B. 7            C. 8          D.10

2.Mary’s mother buys a ______ for her.

A. red sweater       B. white shirt

C. red skirt         D. red T-shirt

3.Mary’s favorite ________ is Harry Potter.

A. CD            B. clothes           C. book          D. store

4.Bill and Cindy are Mary’s _________.

A. brothers        B. uncles

C. friends         D. teachers

5.---What does Nick buy for Mary?  ---_________

A. An English-Chinese dictionary         B. A new pencil box

C. A soccer ball                        D. Some CDs


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了Nick的妹妹八岁的生日。Mary收到了来自父母、哥哥、朋友的生日礼物,一家人还特地为她举行了生日派对。 1. my sister Mary’s 8th birthday判断,第八个生日,当然是八岁了。故选C。 2. my mother buys a red sweater for Mary叙述的就是题干中的情况,故判断选A。 3. father also buys a book for Mary, and its name is Harry Potter. It’s Mary’s favorite book判断Harry Porter是一本书。故选C。 4. friends, Bill and Cindy come to the party判断Bill和Cindy是Mary的朋友。故选C。 5. 判断理解题。根据文中第一段的There I buy some CDs for Mary.和第二段的I’m Mary’s brother. My name is Nick.可判断Dick为Mary买了CD作为生日礼物。故选D。 考点:人物传记/故事类阅读


Hello, I’m Mary. I’m 12. I    a little brother. He is 10 years old.    name is Bill. We have different hobbies(爱好).

I like     TV very much. Our TV is      the living room(客厅). I like watching basketball games on TV. I think they’re     . I like fruit, such as apples,         and so on. I also like carrots and eggs. I eat a lot of      . Bill likes computer games. He thinks they’re fun,      I think they’re boring. Bill       fruit, but he likes French fries and ice-cream. And he also likes hamburgers. I don’t think they’re     . So I don’t eat them often.

1.A. am            B. is           C. have         D. has

2.A. He            B. She           C. His         D. Her

3.A.watching        B. watch        C. watches         D. watched

4.A.near             B. on           C. in             D. under

5.A.easy           B. interesting      C. difficult         D. boring

6.A.carrots           B. pears           C. chicken         D. salad

7.A.they            B. them         C. it               D. /

8.A. but              B. and           C. so            D. also

9.A. likes          B. like            C. doesn’t like     D. don’t like

10.A.health        B. healthily        C. healthy         D. a healthy



—Happy birthday!   ___________________.

A. Thank you         B. You are welcome

C. That’s all right  D. OK



—What’s Mary’s favorite subject?  —_____ favorite subject is math.

A. She’s        B. She        C. His            D. Her



Let’s ______ some salad for dinner.

A. have         B. to have          C. has            D. having



—Can I help you?    —Yes, please. I want to ______some fruit.

A. know         B. buy            C. look            D. lose



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