满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

情景对话。从II栏选出I栏最恰当的答语,并把序号写在题前括号内。(10分) 1....


1.When is your birthday?             A. G-I-N-A

2.Who’s your math teacher?         B. My birthday is on December 4th.

3.Let’s watch TV.                  C. Yes, I am.

4.Do they have an art lesson?        D. Miss Zhang

5.Why do you like P.E.?            E. I’m fine.

6.How are you, Sam?                 F. Yes, please. I want a sweater for my daughter.

7.Where’s Jenny’s English book?    G. Yes, they do.

8.Are you Mike?                      H. Because it’s fun.

9.How do you spell your name?       I. That sounds boring.

10.Can I help you?                 J. It’s in her schoolbag.


1.B 2.D 3.I 4.G 5.H 6.E 7.J 8.C 9.A 10.F 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 根据B和小题1中的birthday判断选B。 2. 根据小题2中的who和D的Miss Zhang判断选D。 3. 根据小题3是提出建议,答语应是“听起来如何”,故选I。 4.小题4是由do构成的一般疑问句,答语也因有do来构成,故判断选G。 5.根据小题5中的why可知答语中必须用because来回答,故选H。 6. 根据小题6是对对方身体状况的问句,答语应是关于身体状况的。故选E。 7. 根据小题7是询问地点的,J就是对地点的回答。故选J。 8. 根据小题8是由系动词are构成的一般疑问句,应用yes或no回答,答语应有系动词。故选C。 9. 根据小题9是对名字如何拼写的问句,只有A符合题意。故选A。 10. 根据小题10是店员和顾客之间的对话,顾客应是回答想买什么,只有F符合答案。 考点:情景交际


A. My friend Jane’s birthday is next week.

B. Can we buy some pears?

C.Let’s buy a book for her.

D. I like fruits.

E.I need a pencil box.

F. What fruits do we need to buy?

A: Kate, let’s buy some fruits.

B: OK, Mom. 1.________

A: Some oranges, apples and bananas.

B: 2.____________ I like pears.

A: Sure, Kate. What else (其他的) do you need?

B: Hmm…3. ___________

A: But you have a pencil box.

B: Yes, Mom. 4. _________ I think a pencil box is a good gift. (礼物).

A: Well, Kate. A pencil box is good, but I think a book is better. (更好)

B: Yes, Mom. 5.____________

A: Great.





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My name is Anna. I go to school from1.  to Friday. I have seven2.  every day. I usually have class  3. eight o’clock. My sister and I are in the same school. She  4.  two basketballs. She often plays it with me. There are a lot of activities(活动) in our school. I like art 5.  best. Because I like music. But my sister likes Sports Day. We are happy at school.



任务型阅读 (每题2分,共10分)

Hi, boys and girls. Please have a look at Jennifer’s Clothes Store. Do you like sweaters? Do you want to have them at a good price? We have sweaters in four colors for $15. Do you want the cool schoolbag? Please come to our store, we have ten kinds of different(不同的) schoolbags in all colors. The price is from $3 to $30. We have pants in five colors and shorts in six colors. We also have great socks in six colors for you. Can you believe(相信) it? They are only $2.

任务一, 回答下列问题:

1.How much are the sweaters in Jennifer’s store? They’re ___________

2.Does the store have shirts? _______________


3.The price of ________ is $2.

4.Jennifer has socks in ______ colors.

5.There are(有) sweaters, socks, pants, shorts and _________at Jennifer’s.






Fruit salad                                                                 $5.20

Vegetable salad                                                             $4.90


Fried(炒的)                                                                 $3.50

With eggs                                                                  $4.50

With vegetables                                                             $4.30


Orange juice(果汁)                                                          $1.70

Apple juice                                                                 $1.50

Milk                                                                      $2.80


Ice-cream                                                                  $3.00

Banana cake                                                                $6.50



A. 通知           B. 菜单           C. 标签           D. 账单

2.How much is the rice with eggs?

A. $3.50            B. $4.50            C. $4.90          D. $5.20

3.Tom only has two dollars. What can he buy?

A. Milk            B. Ice-cream

C. Banana cake      D. Orange juice

4. Danny wants to have vegetable salad and two ice-creams. How much should he pay(付款)?

A. $16.10          B. $15.40            C. $12.40          D. $10.90

5. What is the most expensive(最贵的)?

A. Banana cake      B. Fried rice

C. Fruit salad       D. Apple juice



Today is November 20th. It’s my sister Mary’s 8th birthday. In the morning, my parents take us to Zig Zag’s Clothes Store. There my mother buys a red sweater for Mary. And we go to Huaxing Book Store. There I buy some CDs for Mary. My father also buys a book for Mary, and its name is Harry Potter. It’s Mary’s favorite book.

In the afternoon, my parents have a birthday party for Mary at home. Mary’s friends, Bill and Cindy come to the party. Bill brings(带来) a new pencil box to Mary. Mary likes it very much. Cindy gives Mary an English-Chinese dictionary. Mary is very happy. Oh, I’m Mary’s brother. My name is Nick.

1.Mary is _______ years old this year.

A. 9             B. 7            C. 8          D.10

2.Mary’s mother buys a ______ for her.

A. red sweater       B. white shirt

C. red skirt         D. red T-shirt

3.Mary’s favorite ________ is Harry Potter.

A. CD            B. clothes           C. book          D. store

4.Bill and Cindy are Mary’s _________.

A. brothers        B. uncles

C. friends         D. teachers

5.---What does Nick buy for Mary?  ---_________

A. An English-Chinese dictionary         B. A new pencil box

C. A soccer ball                        D. Some CDs



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