满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据汉语提示填写单词。 1.We have a math _______(测验)...


1.We have a math _______(测验) on November 11th.

2.The sweater is not mine. It is ___________________ (她的).

3.___________________ (三月) is my favorite month..

4.The third day of a week is ___________________ (星期二).

5.Tom is Mr. and Mrs. Green’s___________________ (第二) son.

B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

6. _________ (that) are my pencils.

7.The blue sweater is in my ___________________ (sister) room.

8.My sister wants ___________________ (play) tennis after class.

9.The shirts are ___________________ (twentieth) dollars.

10.My mother needs two ______________ (tomato) for dinner.


1.test 2.hers 3.March 4.Tuesday 5.second 6.Those 7.sister’s 8.to play 9.twenty 10.tomatoes 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 空前有不定冠词,故用单数形式。 2. 此处应用名词性物主代词hers=her sweater。 3. 注意首字母应该大写。 4. 5. 该单词为序数词,第二。 6. 空后是系动词are,应用those。 7. 此处应使用名词的所有格。 8. play want后跟不定式作宾语。 9. 根据空后是名词复数,可判断使用基数词。 10. 空前有two,应用复数形式。 考点:单词形式


1.When is your birthday?             A. G-I-N-A

2.Who’s your math teacher?         B. My birthday is on December 4th.

3.Let’s watch TV.                  C. Yes, I am.

4.Do they have an art lesson?        D. Miss Zhang

5.Why do you like P.E.?            E. I’m fine.

6.How are you, Sam?                 F. Yes, please. I want a sweater for my daughter.

7.Where’s Jenny’s English book?    G. Yes, they do.

8.Are you Mike?                      H. Because it’s fun.

9.How do you spell your name?       I. That sounds boring.

10.Can I help you?                 J. It’s in her schoolbag.




A. My friend Jane’s birthday is next week.

B. Can we buy some pears?

C.Let’s buy a book for her.

D. I like fruits.

E.I need a pencil box.

F. What fruits do we need to buy?

A: Kate, let’s buy some fruits.

B: OK, Mom. 1.________

A: Some oranges, apples and bananas.

B: 2.____________ I like pears.

A: Sure, Kate. What else (其他的) do you need?

B: Hmm…3. ___________

A: But you have a pencil box.

B: Yes, Mom. 4. _________ I think a pencil box is a good gift. (礼物).

A: Well, Kate. A pencil box is good, but I think a book is better. (更好)

B: Yes, Mom. 5.____________

A: Great.





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My name is Anna. I go to school from1.  to Friday. I have seven2.  every day. I usually have class  3. eight o’clock. My sister and I are in the same school. She  4.  two basketballs. She often plays it with me. There are a lot of activities(活动) in our school. I like art 5.  best. Because I like music. But my sister likes Sports Day. We are happy at school.



任务型阅读 (每题2分,共10分)

Hi, boys and girls. Please have a look at Jennifer’s Clothes Store. Do you like sweaters? Do you want to have them at a good price? We have sweaters in four colors for $15. Do you want the cool schoolbag? Please come to our store, we have ten kinds of different(不同的) schoolbags in all colors. The price is from $3 to $30. We have pants in five colors and shorts in six colors. We also have great socks in six colors for you. Can you believe(相信) it? They are only $2.

任务一, 回答下列问题:

1.How much are the sweaters in Jennifer’s store? They’re ___________

2.Does the store have shirts? _______________


3.The price of ________ is $2.

4.Jennifer has socks in ______ colors.

5.There are(有) sweaters, socks, pants, shorts and _________at Jennifer’s.






Fruit salad                                                                 $5.20

Vegetable salad                                                             $4.90


Fried(炒的)                                                                 $3.50

With eggs                                                                  $4.50

With vegetables                                                             $4.30


Orange juice(果汁)                                                          $1.70

Apple juice                                                                 $1.50

Milk                                                                      $2.80


Ice-cream                                                                  $3.00

Banana cake                                                                $6.50



A. 通知           B. 菜单           C. 标签           D. 账单

2.How much is the rice with eggs?

A. $3.50            B. $4.50            C. $4.90          D. $5.20

3.Tom only has two dollars. What can he buy?

A. Milk            B. Ice-cream

C. Banana cake      D. Orange juice

4. Danny wants to have vegetable salad and two ice-creams. How much should he pay(付款)?

A. $16.10          B. $15.40            C. $12.40          D. $10.90

5. What is the most expensive(最贵的)?

A. Banana cake      B. Fried rice

C. Fruit salad       D. Apple juice



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