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完形填空(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) A thirsty bee went...


A thirsty bee went to a river to drink. As it     , the running water carried it away. A kind bird saw that the bee was in     . It picked    off a tree and threw     into the water in front of the bee. The bee climbed    the leaf, and the leaf brought it    to the land. The bee thanked the bird a lot and then      away.

Not     that, the bird was sitting     the branch (树枝) of a tree. It didn’t know that a man was shooting (射杀) at it.        the bee saw what the man was doing. So it flew into the man’s      and stung(刺蜇)him. The pain in the man’s eye was     great that he couldn’t shoot the bird, and the bird flew away quickly.

    this way the kind bird saved the bee and the bee was able     the life of the bird. So we can say helping others is helping    .

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1.A. drank    B. drinking  C. is drinking      D. was drinking

2.A. a trouble         B. a trouble  C. dangerous   D. danger

3.A. a leaf    B. leaves   C. leaf     D. the leaf

4.A. them        B. one       C. it        D. this

5.A. onto     B. on    C. to     D. at

6.A. safety        B. safe       C. saved        D. safely

7.A. climbed    B. ran       C. flew     D. got

8.A. long before      B. before long  C. after long    D. long after

9.A. in            B. on    C. at        D. by

10.A. And     B. But    C. So     D. Or

11.A. eye        B. nose    C. mouth    D. ear

12.A. very        B. so       C. quite        D. too

13.A. In           B. On       C. By       D. At

14.A. saved     B. saving    C. to save    D. save

15.A. you        B. your     C. yours     D. yourself


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了一只小蜜蜂到河里喝水遇到危险,一只善良的小鸟救了他,不久这只小鸟正在被人射杀却全然不知,小蜜蜂飞上去蛰了那人救了了小鸟的故事。它告诉人们帮助别人就是帮自己。 1. drank drink的过去式,喝;B. drinking drink的的现在分词; C. is drinking 正在喝,现在进行时;D. was drinking正在喝,过去进行时。该句表示一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。前者用过去进行时,后者用一般过去式。故选D。 2. a trouble一个麻烦;名词;B. trouble麻烦,名词;C. dangerous危险的,形容词;D. danger危险,名词。In danger,处于危险中。联系上下文,可知填D。 3. 句意:小鸟从树上摘下一片树叶扔到蜜蜂前面的水中。A. a leaf一片树叶;B. leaves树叶,复数;C. leaf 树叶,单数;D. the leaf那片树叶。Pick something off从……摘下;throw …into,扔到……中。联系上文.可知选A。 4. 句意:小鸟从树上摘下一片树叶,把它扔到蜜蜂前面的水中。A. them 它们,动词;B. one 一个,代替前面出现的单数可数名词leaf;C. it 它,代词;D. this这个,代词。throw …into,扔到……中。故选C。 5. onto 介词,在……上面;B. on介词,在……上面;C. to 介词,到,在;D. at介词,在。Climb… onto, 爬到……上故选A. 6. safety 名词,安全;B. safe形容词,安全的;C. saved 动词,拯救,节约;D. safely副词,安全地。Safely修饰brought.故选D。 7. 句意:蜜蜂非常感谢小鸟然后就飞走了。A. climbed 动词,爬;B. ran ,动词,跑;run的过去式;C. flew 动词,飞,fly的过去式;D. got动词,得到,get的过去式。Fly away,飞走。联系上文.可知选C。 8. 句意:在那之后不久。A. long before 很早以前,在……以前很久;B. before long不久以后;C. after long 不是固定词组; D. long after 很久以后。联系上文.可知选D。 9. 介词,在……里面;B.on介词,在……上面;C. at介词,在;D. by介词,由,到……为止。联系上文,故选B 。 10. And 和,连词;B. But 但是,连词;C. So 所以,连词;D. Or或者,连词。What引导宾语从句.故选B。 11. eye 名词,眼睛;. nose 名词,鼻子;C. mouth 名词,嘴巴;D. ear名词,耳朵。Fly into,飞进。联系上文,故选A。 12. very 很,非常,非常;B. so ,副词,这么;C. quite 副词,相当;D. too副词,太,too…to,太……而不能。So…that,如此……以致于。联系上文故选B 。 13. In 介词,在……里面 ;B. On介词,在……上面;C. By 介词,由,到……为止;D. At介词,在。In this way,用这样的方法。故选A. 14. saved 动词,save的过去式,拯救,挽救;B. saving save的现在分词,拯救,挽救;C. to save save的动词不定式,拯救,挽救;D. save动词,拯救,挽救。Be able to +动词原形,能,相当于can+动词原形。故选C. 15. you 代词,你,你们;B. your 代词,你的,你们的;形容词性的物主代词;C. yours代词,你的,你们的;名词性的物主代词;D. yourself代词,你们自己,反身代词。故选D. 考点:教育类短文

We can save our pocket money and donate it to those in need.   —________!

A. I agree     B. You are welcome

C. Not at all  D. Never mind



The sentence structure(结构)of “He often makes me happy” is ________.

A. S+V+O         B. S+V+IO+DO

C. S+V+DO+OC     D. S+V+P



There will be ________ time left. Let’s hurry, or we can’t finish the work.

A. more and more        B. fewer and fewer

C. longer and longer    D. less and less



We can ________ with each other by e-mail with the help of the Internet nowadays.

A. come up  B. take a walk

C. stay together  D. keep in touch



Binhai RT-Mart Supermarket (大润发超市) has been open ________.

A. a month ago B. a month later

C. since a month ago D. in a month



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