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In different seasons, Zhang Ming enjoys ...

In different seasons, Zhang Ming enjoys himself in different ways.

In spring, when it is sunny, he often goes to the park and sits on the grass,  reading a book or a magazine. When he feels tired, he simply lies on the grass and tries to get some sleep. He feels very comfortable when he is on the grass. In summer, Zhang Ming often goes swimming in the river in front of his house. Once, he stayed in the water for as long as two hours. In autumn, Zhang Ming often goes to a square near his home to fly a kite. Every time he goes there, he usually invites his friends to go there with their kites as well. In winter, he finds a lot of pleasure in having snowball fights and making snowmen with his friends.

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1.How does Zhang Ming try to get some sleep when he feels tired in the park?

A. By putting his head on a book.       B. By lying on his coat.

C. By sitting on the ground.            D. By lying on the grass.

2.Where is the river which Zhang Ming often swims in?

A. Behind his home.                   B. In front of his house.

C. To the right of his house.         D. To the left of his house.

3.How long did Zhang Ming stay in the river once?

A. For an hour.       B. For half an hour.

C. For two hours.     D. For three hours.

4.Why does Zhang Ming often go to the square?

A. To fly a kite.   B. To play football.

C. To have a run.     D. To take a walk.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Zhang Ming hates winter because he does not like cold weather.

B. Zhang Ming enjoys making snowmen and having snowball fights in winter.

C. Sometimes Zhang Ming also goes to the park on rainy days.

D. Zhang Ming never lies on the grass because it is too dirty.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了张明在一年四季采用不同的方法让自己开心。春季,阳光明媚时,他躺在公园的草地上看书。夏季他到门前的河里游泳,秋季他邀请朋友去放风筝,冬季他和朋友一起打雪仗,玩雪球。 1.当张明在公园感觉累的时候,他尽力怎样入睡?A. By putting his head on a book. 头枕到一本书上;B. By lying on his coat. 躺在一本书上;By sitting on the ground. 坐在地上;D. By lying on the grass.躺在草地上。根据文中he simply lies on the grass and tries to get some sleep.他只是躺在草地上,尽力入睡。故选D。 2.】细节判断题。句意:张明经常游泳的河在哪里?A. Behind his home.他家后面;B. In front of his house.在他家前面;C. To the right of his house;他家右边;D. To the left of his house. 他家左边。根据文中In summer, Zhang Ming often goes swimming in the river in front of his house.在夏季,张明在他家前面的河里游泳。故选B。 3.有一次,他在河里游了多久?A. For an hour.一个小时;B. For half an hour. 半个小时;C. For two hours. 两个小时;D. For three hours.三个小时。根据文中Once, he stayed in the water for as long as two hours.有一次,他在河里游了两个小时。as long as和……一样长。故选C。 4.张明为什么经常去广场?A. To fly a kite.放风筝;B. To play football. 踢足球;C. To have a run.跑步;D. To take a walk.散步。根据文中Zhang Ming often goes to a square near his home to fly a kite.他经常去他家附近的广场放风筝。故选A。 5.】推理判断题。句意:哪一个叙述是正确的?A. Zhang Ming hates winter because he does not like cold weather. 张明讨厌冬季因为他不喜欢寒冷的天气。B. Zhang Ming enjoys making snowmen and having snowball fights in winter.冬季张明喜欢堆雪人,打雪仗。C. Sometimes Zhang Ming also goes to the park on rainy days. 雨天有时候张明也去公园。D. Zhang Ming never lies on the grass because it is too dirty.因为太脏张明从不躺在草地上。根据文中最后一句,故选B。 考点:日常生活类阅读


A thirsty bee went to a river to drink. As it     , the running water carried it away. A kind bird saw that the bee was in     . It picked    off a tree and threw     into the water in front of the bee. The bee climbed    the leaf, and the leaf brought it    to the land. The bee thanked the bird a lot and then      away.

Not     that, the bird was sitting     the branch (树枝) of a tree. It didn’t know that a man was shooting (射杀) at it.        the bee saw what the man was doing. So it flew into the man’s      and stung(刺蜇)him. The pain in the man’s eye was     great that he couldn’t shoot the bird, and the bird flew away quickly.

    this way the kind bird saved the bee and the bee was able     the life of the bird. So we can say helping others is helping    .

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1.A. drank    B. drinking  C. is drinking      D. was drinking

2.A. a trouble         B. a trouble  C. dangerous   D. danger

3.A. a leaf    B. leaves   C. leaf     D. the leaf

4.A. them        B. one       C. it        D. this

5.A. onto     B. on    C. to     D. at

6.A. safety        B. safe       C. saved        D. safely

7.A. climbed    B. ran       C. flew     D. got

8.A. long before      B. before long  C. after long    D. long after

9.A. in            B. on    C. at        D. by

10.A. And     B. But    C. So     D. Or

11.A. eye        B. nose    C. mouth    D. ear

12.A. very        B. so       C. quite        D. too

13.A. In           B. On       C. By       D. At

14.A. saved     B. saving    C. to save    D. save

15.A. you        B. your     C. yours     D. yourself



We can save our pocket money and donate it to those in need.   —________!

A. I agree     B. You are welcome

C. Not at all  D. Never mind



The sentence structure(结构)of “He often makes me happy” is ________.

A. S+V+O         B. S+V+IO+DO

C. S+V+DO+OC     D. S+V+P



There will be ________ time left. Let’s hurry, or we can’t finish the work.

A. more and more        B. fewer and fewer

C. longer and longer    D. less and less



We can ________ with each other by e-mail with the help of the Internet nowadays.

A. come up  B. take a walk

C. stay together  D. keep in touch



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