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About five hundred years ago, an earthqu...

About five hundred years ago, an earthquake happened in a small village. Luckily for them, it didn’t destroy (毁坏) anything and no one was hurt. But a large stone fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road. When the earthquake stopped, many people came to the road and saw the stone. Some of the strongest men wanted to move it away, they tried again and again but at last they failed. “Well,” they said sadly ,“there’s nothing we can do about it, we’ll have to change the way.” At this time a boy of 12 years old said , “ I think I can move the stone away.” “You?” all the strong men laughed at the boy, “What are you talking about ?”

The next morning people were all surprised to see that the stone was gone. It wasn’t on the road any longer and it wasn’t even near the road. The boy smiled and said “I buried it.”

The people looked rather surprised. “You see,” he said , “I dug (挖) a deep hole next to the stone and I dug a small incline (斜坡) up to the stone and the stone rolled down into the hole itself. Then I covered it with earth. “The villagers shouted “Clever boy! Clever boy!” and some of them said, Why didn’t we think out this good idea ?”

1.Around 500 years ago, this story happened in a small_____________.

A. town   B. village    C. city   D. country

2.            moved the stone out of the road at last .

A. An old man  B. A young man

C. A boy       D. Some strong men

3.Finally, the large stone was __________.

A. in the earth  B. in the house

C. in the river  D. on the road side

【小4The underlined word buried has the same meaning as “____________”.

A. moved away                      B. broke down

C. put and covered in the earth    D. became smaller

4.From the story, we can see that__________.

A. the boy was stronger than the villagers

B. the villagers were not clever at all.

C. the boy was very good at thinking

D. the boy also laughed at the strong men


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了一个小村庄发生了一次地震,所幸的是无人受伤,但一块大石头挡在路的中央,一些强壮的男人试图搬开,但没有做到。有一个小男孩在石头旁边挖了一个大坑,顺石头方向挖成斜坡,石头自己滚了进去,然后用土埋掉,人们夸男孩聪明。文章告诉我们要想办法。 1.这个故事发生在大约500年前的一个小村庄。A. town 城镇,名词;B. village村庄,名词;C. city 城市,名词;D. country 乡村,国家。根据文中About five hundred years ago, an earthquake happened in a small village,故选B。 2.推理判断题。句意:最后一个男孩从路中搬开了石头。A. An old man 一位老人;B. A young man 一个年轻人;C. A boy 一个男孩;D. Some strong men一些强壮的男人。文章告诉我们是男孩搬开了石头。故选C。 3.】细节判断题。句意:最后,那块石头被埋在土中。A. in the earth在土中;B. in the house 在房子里;C. in the river在河里;D. on the road side在路上。根据文中The boy smiled and said “I buried it.”男孩说我把它埋了。故选A。 4.词义猜测题。句意:划线部分“ buried ”和哪一项同义。A. moved away搬开;B. broke down 失败,毁掉;C. put and covered in the earth埋在土中;D. became smaller 变得更小。故选C。 5.……。A. the boy was stronger than the villagers这个男孩比村民强壮。B. the villagers were not clever at all. 村民一点也不聪明;C. the boy was very good at thinking这个男孩善于思考;D. the boy also laughed at the strong men这个男孩也嘲笑那些强壮的村民。 故选C。 考点:社会生活类阅读

In different seasons, Zhang Ming enjoys himself in different ways.

In spring, when it is sunny, he often goes to the park and sits on the grass,  reading a book or a magazine. When he feels tired, he simply lies on the grass and tries to get some sleep. He feels very comfortable when he is on the grass. In summer, Zhang Ming often goes swimming in the river in front of his house. Once, he stayed in the water for as long as two hours. In autumn, Zhang Ming often goes to a square near his home to fly a kite. Every time he goes there, he usually invites his friends to go there with their kites as well. In winter, he finds a lot of pleasure in having snowball fights and making snowmen with his friends.

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1.How does Zhang Ming try to get some sleep when he feels tired in the park?

A. By putting his head on a book.       B. By lying on his coat.

C. By sitting on the ground.            D. By lying on the grass.

2.Where is the river which Zhang Ming often swims in?

A. Behind his home.                   B. In front of his house.

C. To the right of his house.         D. To the left of his house.

3.How long did Zhang Ming stay in the river once?

A. For an hour.       B. For half an hour.

C. For two hours.     D. For three hours.

4.Why does Zhang Ming often go to the square?

A. To fly a kite.   B. To play football.

C. To have a run.     D. To take a walk.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Zhang Ming hates winter because he does not like cold weather.

B. Zhang Ming enjoys making snowmen and having snowball fights in winter.

C. Sometimes Zhang Ming also goes to the park on rainy days.

D. Zhang Ming never lies on the grass because it is too dirty.




A thirsty bee went to a river to drink. As it     , the running water carried it away. A kind bird saw that the bee was in     . It picked    off a tree and threw     into the water in front of the bee. The bee climbed    the leaf, and the leaf brought it    to the land. The bee thanked the bird a lot and then      away.

Not     that, the bird was sitting     the branch (树枝) of a tree. It didn’t know that a man was shooting (射杀) at it.        the bee saw what the man was doing. So it flew into the man’s      and stung(刺蜇)him. The pain in the man’s eye was     great that he couldn’t shoot the bird, and the bird flew away quickly.

    this way the kind bird saved the bee and the bee was able     the life of the bird. So we can say helping others is helping    .

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1.A. drank    B. drinking  C. is drinking      D. was drinking

2.A. a trouble         B. a trouble  C. dangerous   D. danger

3.A. a leaf    B. leaves   C. leaf     D. the leaf

4.A. them        B. one       C. it        D. this

5.A. onto     B. on    C. to     D. at

6.A. safety        B. safe       C. saved        D. safely

7.A. climbed    B. ran       C. flew     D. got

8.A. long before      B. before long  C. after long    D. long after

9.A. in            B. on    C. at        D. by

10.A. And     B. But    C. So     D. Or

11.A. eye        B. nose    C. mouth    D. ear

12.A. very        B. so       C. quite        D. too

13.A. In           B. On       C. By       D. At

14.A. saved     B. saving    C. to save    D. save

15.A. you        B. your     C. yours     D. yourself



We can save our pocket money and donate it to those in need.   —________!

A. I agree     B. You are welcome

C. Not at all  D. Never mind



The sentence structure(结构)of “He often makes me happy” is ________.

A. S+V+O         B. S+V+IO+DO

C. S+V+DO+OC     D. S+V+P



There will be ________ time left. Let’s hurry, or we can’t finish the work.

A. more and more        B. fewer and fewer

C. longer and longer    D. less and less



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