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书面表达(共1题,计20分) 学校将在下周举行英文演讲比赛,Jack的话题是 “...


学校将在下周举行英文演讲比赛,Jack的话题是 “对我影响最深的人”,请根据以下材料,帮他组织一篇100字左右英文演讲稿,介绍一下三位对他影响最深的人,并说说你的感想。





My mother

a teacher

1. forties;

2. full of love(至少举一例说明);

3. decide to donate her body after her death

Tan Dun

a composer

1. born in Hunan, China;

2. help build a bridge between the East and the West;

3. bring Chinese and Western music together;

Jackie Chan

a film star

nearly 100 films,

2.join humour and exciting action together win many awards;

3.spend many years doing charity work;


The persons who have influenced me most

I am happy to give a speech here. There are three persons who have influenced me most. They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan.








The persons who have influenced me most I am happy to give a speech here. There are three persons who have influenced me most. They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan. My mother is a teacher. She is in her forties. She has a heart full of love and she has donated blood many times. To my surprise, she has decided to donate her body after her death. Tan Dun is a composer. He was born in Hunan, China. He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. Jackie Chan is a film star. He has acted in nearly 100 films, In the films, he joined humour and exciting action together perfectly. He has won many awards. He is also a humanitarian. He has spent many years doing charity work. He is thought highly of by many people. They are all my heroes. They are really worth learning from. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。本文所给材料比较详细,我们要做的就是用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不可遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文主要是一般现在时,主语主要是第三人称,写作中注意人称、时态的变化及主谓一致问题。同时注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 【亮点说明】 这篇短文能够根据写作要求,较好地把所给材料内容进行归纳整合,内容覆盖所有要点,语言表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。同时灵活使用多种句式,使文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。此外,文章中还使用了一些的常用的句式和短语,这为文章增色不少。在学习中注意总结,牢记一些常用句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:材料作文。  


As a child, Audrey Hepburn loved dancing and dreamt of becoming a ballet d1.  . She had also been a model b2.   she entered the film industry. In 1951, while acting in France, Audrey met the famous writer Colette. Audrey’s beauty and charm c3.  the writer’s attention. Colette insisted Audrey was the p  4.   girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play b5.   upon her novel. That event marked the beginning of Audrey Hepburn’s successful c6.  . Audrey became world-famous f7.   her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film was a big success and she won an Oscar. Audrey’s a8.  went beyond the film industry. She spent her last few years doing a lot of charity work. Audrey passed a9.  peacefully in Switzerland in 1993. She is always c10. as one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.




1.I think playing computer games is       (simple) a waste of time.

2.He will write to me as soon as he       (get) to Beijing.

3.Thank you for giving me such       (value) advice.

4.It’s very important to teach young children about road       (safe).

5.The trip was       (tired), but they were happy to see the fantastic landscape there.




1.In the Chinese lunar calendar, 12 animal signs appear in a       (固定的) order.

2.I can’t       (想象) what life will be like without hobbies.

3.Zhang Yimou is one of the best       (导演) in China.

4.You’d better tell the police the      (事实,真相) if you don’t want to get into trouble.

5.We usually gather in the playground to watch the raising of the national      (旗帜) every Monday morning.



阅读表达:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容回答下列各题。(共5小题,每小题2分,10 分)

Curry around the world

“Curry” is the English word used to describe meat or vegetables in a spicy, usually served with rice. It is believed that the word “Curry” comes from the Tamil word “kari”.

Curries have been very popular dishes in many Asian countries throughout history. Although curry is believed to come originally from India, it has been eaten in many other Asian countries—for thousands of years.

Today, curries are eaten all over the world. This tasty, spicy dish was brought to the West by British people from India in the 17th century.

What we call curry today is an international dish that is well known around the world. Over time and distance, the flavours of dishes change so that the people eating the dish will like it. For example, the most popular curry in restaurants in the UK is called chicken tikka masala. Many British people think this is an Indian dish. However, it is really a dish created by restaurants in the UK and is not a traditional Asian dish at all.

Today curry is loved by people all over the world, unless, of course they don’t like spicy food. (选自《补充习题》九下)

1.What does the word “curry” mean in English?


2.Where does curry come originally from?


3.When did “curry” get to the west?


4.Are the curries eaten in the West the same as the ones eaten in Asia?


5.How do curry dishes mainly taste?





As teenagers, you have a lot of dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small, you may just want to become one of the top ten students in your class.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try your best to make your dream real? Making our dreams real is life’s biggest challenge.

You may think you’re not very good at some subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts prevent you from being successful.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember the dream in your mind. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is made up of small ones. Please never give them up.

You may have difficulties on the way to your dreams. But the biggest comes from you yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.


How to realize your 1.


Teenagers have 2.  dreams, either big or small.

Making our dreams real is life’s 3.  challenge.

Suggestions to make the dreams


First, don’t 5.  the dream in your mind.

Don’t let it leave your 6.   .

Keep telling yourself 7.  you want. Do this step by step.

There will be 8.  on the way to your dreams. But the biggest comes from you yourself. You need to decide what is the most 9.  .

You have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests

as you get closer to your dream.


Once you find a dream, you should try your best to make10.  real.



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