满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Super Brain is_______ an interesting TV ...

Super Brain is_______ an interesting TV program_______ many people like watching it.

A. so; that    B. such; that    C. so; as    D. such; as


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:超级大脑是一个如此有趣的电视节目以至于许多人们喜欢看它。考查句型:so+形容词+that+从句;such+核心词为名词+that+从句;分析句中核心词为名词,因此运用such.故选B 考点:考查连词的用法。  

My mother keeps all the things in my family in good order. She is_______.

A. creative    B. curious    C. energetic    D. organized



_______(A)award music for the Beijing 2008 0lympic Games was written by Tan Dun, _______ world-famous composer.

A. The; a     B. The; the    C. /; the    D. /; a




学校将在下周举行英文演讲比赛,Jack的话题是 “对我影响最深的人”,请根据以下材料,帮他组织一篇100字左右英文演讲稿,介绍一下三位对他影响最深的人,并说说你的感想。





My mother

a teacher

1. forties;

2. full of love(至少举一例说明);

3. decide to donate her body after her death

Tan Dun

a composer

1. born in Hunan, China;

2. help build a bridge between the East and the West;

3. bring Chinese and Western music together;

Jackie Chan

a film star

nearly 100 films,

2.join humour and exciting action together win many awards;

3.spend many years doing charity work;


The persons who have influenced me most

I am happy to give a speech here. There are three persons who have influenced me most. They are my mother, Tan Dun and Jackie Chan.










As a child, Audrey Hepburn loved dancing and dreamt of becoming a ballet d1.  . She had also been a model b2.   she entered the film industry. In 1951, while acting in France, Audrey met the famous writer Colette. Audrey’s beauty and charm c3.  the writer’s attention. Colette insisted Audrey was the p  4.   girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play b5.   upon her novel. That event marked the beginning of Audrey Hepburn’s successful c6.  . Audrey became world-famous f7.   her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film was a big success and she won an Oscar. Audrey’s a8.  went beyond the film industry. She spent her last few years doing a lot of charity work. Audrey passed a9.  peacefully in Switzerland in 1993. She is always c10. as one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.




1.I think playing computer games is       (simple) a waste of time.

2.He will write to me as soon as he       (get) to Beijing.

3.Thank you for giving me such       (value) advice.

4.It’s very important to teach young children about road       (safe).

5.The trip was       (tired), but they were happy to see the fantastic landscape there.



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