满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: Hello! May I speak to Mike, please? ...


A: Hello! May I speak to Mike, please?

B:    1.           .

A: Hi, Mike. This is Kate. I am going to the Mount Taimu. 2.         ?

B: Yes, I'd love to.

A  Do you think it’s one of the most famous mountains in our hometown .

B       3.    .It’s great. And how can we get there?

A:      4.      .

B: When and where shall we meet ?

A: We will make it half past nine this morning at the school gate.

B: Let’s take a camera , shall we ?

A:       5.        .

A: OK. See you then.….

B: See you.


1.This is Mike speaking. 2.Would you like to go with me ? 3.Yes , I think so . 4.By bike \ By bus \ On foot. \… 5.Good idea \ That sounds good 【解析】 1.】根据上一句“我可以和Mike 通电话吗?”和下句“你好,Mike”可知,此处句意是“我就是Mike”,打电话介绍自己时应用this is。 2.】根据答语“是的,我想去。”可知此处是Would you like to go with me ? 你想和我一起去吗? 3.】根据上句“你认为它是咱们家乡最著名的山之一吗?”以及答语中的“it’s great”可知此处为肯定回答。I think so我认为如此。 4.】根据上句“我们怎么去那呢?”可知回答应是一种交通方式。 5.】根据上句“我们带上相机好吗?”用于提出建议,表示同意时应说“Good idea /That sounds good” 考点:情景交际


I                                            II

1.Don't throw litter around.              A. Sure, go ahead.

2.Are you fond of cycling?                   B. Go fishing.

3.What do you often do in your free time?    C. I have a bad cold.

4.What's wrong with you?                      D. Sorry, I won't do that again

5.May I ask you some questions?              E. No , I’m not.



If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, you should ______windows, tall furniture and so on.

A. run out of the building

B. stay away from

C. be closed to



—My brother fell off his bike and hurt his leg.


A. Nothing serious

B. Im feeling terrible

C. I’m sorry to hear that



After 1940, American workers had a _____ weekend.

A. two-days         B. two-day            C. two days’



Michael ______play computer games, but now he hates it.

A. used to

B. is used to

C. get used to



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