满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One day a poor man was cutting a big pie...

One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe (斧子) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy (仙女) came out and asked the man what the was matter.

“I have lost my axe.” he said, “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”

The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is that yours?”

“No.” said the man.

The fairy then showed him a silver (银) axe and asked again, “Is this yours?”

“No.” again answered the man.

Then she showed him the old axe.

“Yes, that is mine.” called out the happy man.

“I know it well enough.” said the fairy, “I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now I’ll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides (包括) your own one.”


1.One day , when the poor man was cutting wood near the river ,                   .

A.He fell into the water.

B.His old axe fell into the water.

C.He met a young man .

D.He found an axe.

2.The poor man was unhappy because                 .

A.He lost his only axe.

B.He couldn’t keep cutting.

C.The beautiful fairy didn’t let him cut.

D.He couldn’t cut the wood.

3.The beautiful fairy gave the poor man a gold axe and a silver axe, but he didn’t take them. Because he              .

A.didn’t like them.

B.knew these axes were not his .

C. didn’t know they are dear (昂贵)

D. was very rich .

4.Finally, the poor man had            .

A.only one axe.                           B.two axes.

C.three axes.                             D.many axes.

5.The beautiful fairy helped the poor man, because the poor man was        .

A. poor.        B. brave     C. rich      D. honest.(诚实的)


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】 1.考查细节理解题。根据第一段“One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe (斧子) fell into the water.”可知,他正在砍树的时候,突然他的斧头掉到了水里。故选B。 2.考查细节理解题。根据 “He felt very sad because he lost his only axe.”可知他不高兴是因为他失去了他唯一的斧头。故选A。 3.考查推断题。根据短文内容可知他不要金斧子和银斧子是,因为他知道这不是他自己的斧子。故选B。 4.考查细节理解题。根据短文内容可知,这名男子找到了自己的斧子,并且仙女把金斧子和银斧子都给了他,所以最后他一共有三把斧子。故选C。 5.考查细节理解题。短文中的男人面对金斧子和银斧子不动心,只想要自己的旧斧子,可见他是个诚实的人。故选D。 考点: 故事类短文

Tom went to China for a holiday with his father this summer. Their first destination(目的地) was Beijing. They arrived in Beijing on 8th, August.

According to the travel plan, can you guess what they did in Beijing?

A Four days Visit to Beijing for $ 280 each

Day 1


Arrive in Beijing. Take a bus to the hotel. Have a city visit to the Summer Palace.

Day 2


Full day visit to the Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum, and the Temple of Heaven. See Beijing Opera(京剧) in the evening.

Day 3


Full day visit to the Great Wall, Ming Tombs and Beihai Park. Then enjoy Beijing Roast Duck for dinner.

Day 4


Visit Hutong and the Silk Market. No time to visit Beijing Renai International  School . Take the afternoon flight(航班) to the next destination.

(B: Breakfast   L: Lunch   D: Dinner)

1.They both paid _______ for the Beijing visit in total.

A.$560 B.$ 470 C.$ 280 D.$ 190

2.On which day did they see Beijing Opera in the evening?

A. The first day.   B. The second day.

C. The third day.   D. The fourth day.

3.How many places of interest did they go to on their third day?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D.Four.

4.Did they visit Beijing Renai International School on the fourth day ?

A. Yes, they did. B. They visited Hutong

C. Yes , they do  D. No , they didn’t.

5.When did they leave Beijing?

A.10th, August.   B.11th, August.

C.12th, August.   D.13th, August.



Once there was a poor woman. She lived by herself in a little house in a village. She didn’t have much money_    _ she was very kind and happy.

One day a young man named Smith came to her door. He was a little thin and tall. He was very     _ and asked the old woman for help.

The old woman said, “Come in and have dinner with me, but I only have    __.” They had dinner together. After dinner, the old woman told Smith to    _some potatoes with him. He     __ her and then left.

Ten years later, Smith came back to the old woman’s door again and     _ her a bag of money. She was very    _.

Smith said, “Ten years ago you gave me some potatoes. I     _some potato plants on my farm. From those plants, I grew some more plants. Now I am a     _farmer because I have enough money to live, but I never    _ how kind you are to me.”

1.A. so              B. or              C. but

2.A. full            B. hungry           C. tired

3.A. potatoes        B. meat             C. apples

4.A. buy             B. take             C. plant

5.A. thanked         B. helped           C. loved

6.A. threw           B. asked            C. gave

7.A. surprised       B. sad              C. interested

8.A. ate             B. grew             C. found

9.A. busy           B. happy            C. rich

10.A talked           B. forget             C. wrote




A: Hello! May I speak to Mike, please?

B:    1.           .

A: Hi, Mike. This is Kate. I am going to the Mount Taimu. 2.         ?

B: Yes, I'd love to.

A  Do you think it’s one of the most famous mountains in our hometown .

B       3.    .It’s great. And how can we get there?

A:      4.      .

B: When and where shall we meet ?

A: We will make it half past nine this morning at the school gate.

B: Let’s take a camera , shall we ?

A:       5.        .

A: OK. See you then.….

B: See you.




I                                            II

1.Don't throw litter around.              A. Sure, go ahead.

2.Are you fond of cycling?                   B. Go fishing.

3.What do you often do in your free time?    C. I have a bad cold.

4.What's wrong with you?                      D. Sorry, I won't do that again

5.May I ask you some questions?              E. No , I’m not.



If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, you should ______windows, tall furniture and so on.

A. run out of the building

B. stay away from

C. be closed to



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