满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

People can find bears in many places in...


People can find bears in many places in the world. They have large bodies and thick legs but        tails. Bears are not real meat-eaters because they almost eat      . Bears are not so dangerous      people think them to be. Bears are very brave. Many  _______were killed by bears when they wanted to kill bears.

Bears have very good smell but very poor       . So they usually find something with their noses, not with their eyes. They live mainly on root(根), fish and small insects. Sometimes they kill deer and       animals. In fact, they like       animals better like rabbits. Adult bears are       than most other animals because they can think of something. Have you seen how       they beg for(讨要)sweets and food in the zoo? They are our friends       we should try our best to protect them.

1.A. short        B. long        C. big            D. beautiful

2.A. something    B. nothing     C. everything     D. some things

3.A. so           B. as          C. than           D. for

4.A. children     B. students   C. pupils         D. hunters

5.A. hearing      B. eyesight   C. eyes           D. ears

6.A. another      B. the other  C. other          D. others

7.A. small        B. big         C. fat            D. large

8.A. more friendly     B. prettier      C.cleverer     D. not cleverer

9.A. clever        B. sad        C. cleverly       D. sadly

10.A. because     B. but        C. or            D. so


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.D 【解析】 1.形容词辨析。由问题所在句They have large bodies and thick legs but tails. 它们有庞大的身体,粗的腿但是......的尾巴。句中的but提示空格处应是short . 所以答案是A. 2.复合不定代词辨析。由问题所在句Bears are not real meat-eaters because they almost eat .熊不是真正的肉食者,因为他们几乎吃...... 句中的almost提示应是everything , 所以答案是C. 3.连词辨析。由题干可猜测问题所在句句意:熊没有人们想象的那么危险。此处所填写的词应为 “和......一样”之意,所以答案是B. 4.名词辨析。由... when they wanted to kill bears.当他们想捕杀熊的时候,可判断出此题答案应是hunters猎人。所以选D. 5.名词辨析。由第二段第一行 So they usually find something with their noses...因此他们用鼻子找东西,可知是视力不好,因此答案是B. 6.代词辨析。由题干可猜测问题所在句句意:Sometimes they kill deer and animals.有时它们捕杀鹿和其他的动物。another(三者或三者以上)另一个;the other (两者)另一个,其余的;other其他的;others其他的(人或物)。others相当于other加复数名词。由上可知答案是C. 7.形容词辨析。此题所在句中的like rabbits像兔子那样,提示应用形容词small .所以答案是A. 8.形容词比较级辨析。此题所在句中的... because they can think of something.......因为他们考虑事情,提示此处应是更聪明的,所以答案是C . 9.形容词,副词辨析。此题考核的感叹句构成的宾语从句,所填写词用于修饰beg for...动词词组,所以应用副词;而又由小题8答案可知答案是C。 10.连词辨析。由空格前的 They are our friends ...它们是我们的朋友......可知后句,因此我们应该尽最大努力保护它们。所以答案是D.

Wild animals are losing their living areas because people     trees and forests.

A. cut off              B. cut down

C. cut out               D. cut away



We got up early       we could catch the early bus.

A. so that             B. so…that

C. such…that           D. in order to



The beef looks       and sells       .

A. good; good         B. well; well

C. good; well          D. well; good



Excuse me,        do you call that in English?

A. how       B. who       C. where       D. what



—“Would you like       coffee?”  —“Yes, please.”

A. a         B. an       C. some      D. any



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