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阅读然后判断对错,对的写T, 错的写F Jim is an American b...

阅读然后判断对错,对的写T, 错的写F

Jim is an American boy. Hes thirteen. He is a new student in our class. Today he is in a yellow coat. The man in the black coat is his father. He is forty. The woman in white is his mother. She is thirty-six. His father and mother are teachers. The girl in the car is his sister. Shes fifteen. She is in a green sweater. She is a student, too. She is in Grade Three now.

1.Jim is thirteen. His sister is fourteen.

2.His father is in a black coat.

3.His sister is in the car.

4.Jim and his sister are students.

5.His parents are doctors.


1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 【解析】 1.】考查细节理解。根据The girl in the car is his sister. She’s fifteen.可知,他的姐姐15岁了,故此句错误。 2.】考查细节理解。根据“The man in the black coat is his father.”可知,他的爸爸戴着一顶黑帽子,故此句正确。 3.】考查细节理解。根据“The girl in the car is his sister. ”可知,他的姐姐坐在车里,故此句正确。 4.】考查细节理解。根据“She is a student, too.”可知,他们两个都是学生,故此句正确。 5.】考查细节理解。根据“His father and mother are teachers.”可知,他的父母是老师,故此句错误。

My uncle works in a shop. It’s near an English      . Every day the students come to     things. In the morningmy uncle gets up     six oclock and after breakfast he    his bike to the shop. He     there at about ten to seven. The shop       at seven oclock. The shop sells(卖) things        food and drink. It has school things, too. So there      a lot of people in the shop      morning to evening. My uncle is very busy. He is friendly(友好的) to the students and the students like     very much.

1.A. farm   B. factory  C. school  D. shop

2.A. buy   B. sell   C. take   D. borrow

3.A. on   B. in   C. from   D. at

4.A. on   B. by   C. rides   D. riding

5.A. goes   B. gets   C. stays   D. returns

6.A. opens  B. open   C. is opening  D. is open

7.A. with      B. like   C. for   D. about

8.A. are   B. come   C. have   D. see

9.A. in   B.at    C. on   D. from

10.A. his      B.he       C . him       D. it



There ____a bed and two sofas in the room.

A. is     B. are      C .aren’t     D. be



Lucy’s friend Nancy _____like bananas. But she _____apples and pears.

A. doesn’t, like        B. doesn’t, likes

C. don’t, likes       D. don’t, like



Mr. King doesn’t play sports, he only watches _____on TV.

A. he        B. they        C. them         D.I



---Where are my pencils ?


A. My pencils are on the desk.

B. They are on the desk

C. Your pencil is on the desk

D. It’s on the desk



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