满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It is Sunday today. Steve and his parent...

It is Sunday today. Steve and his parents go to his uncle's home for    . Steve's uncle Bruce     a white dog. Its     is Paul. It's only one year old.

After lunch, Uncle Bruce says, “I will(将要) go to Sydney,     I can't take Paul there. You know, I don't want     a dog in a big city(城市).”

“Can I have Paul, Uncle Bruce?” says Steve. “We don't have a       .”

Uncle Bruce look at Steve's mother and father.

“Please, Mum. Let       have it,” says Steve.

“You can ask your       ,” says Steve's mother.

“Please, Dad?”

“Yes, you can have it.”

“Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Uncle Bruce.     here, Paul. Let's play the ball.”

“Look, the dog is his now.” Uncle Bruce laughs.

Steve is       to be with Paul. It's Steve's favorite now.

1.A. breakfast    B. lunch     C. supper     D. dinner

2.A. have         B. has       C. is         D. are

3.A. name         B. book      C. color      D. food

4.A. and          B. or        C. so         D. but

5.A. have         B. has       C. to have    D. having

6.A. cat          B. dog       C. girl       D. boy

7.A. I            B. he        C. her        D. me

8.A. uncle        B. aunt      C. father     D. brother

9.A. Take         B. Come      C. Go         D. Find

10.A. interesting  B. boring   C. relaxing   D. happy


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】 1.】由第二段开头After lunch, Uncle Bruce says,午饭后,Bruce叔叔说。可知Steve and his parents go to his uncle's home for .Steve和他的父母去他的叔叔家吃午饭。breakfast早饭lunch午饭supper晚饭dinner晚饭,正餐。可知选B。 2.】此句句意是:Steve的叔叔Bruce有一只白色的狗。have有,主语是除第三人称单数之外的所有人称。has有,用于主语是第三人称单数。is是,用于主语是单数。are是,用于主语是复数。故选B。 3.】句意:它的名字叫Paul。name名字,book书,color颜色,food食物。可知选A。 4.】句意:我将去悉尼,但我不能带Paul去那儿。and和、并且。or或者。so因此。but虽然,但是。可知选D。 5.】句意:在一所大城市里,我不想带只狗。want to do sth.想要做某事。可知选C。 6.】根据上下文可知此句意为:我们没有么狗。cat猫,dog狗,girl女孩,boy男孩。故选B。 7.】此句句意为:妈妈,请让我拥有它吧。let是动词,后跟代词宾格。I我,人称代词主格形式。he他,主格her她的,物主代词。me我,代词宾格。故选D。 8.】由上文可知,此句句意为:你可以问问你的爸爸。uncle叔叔,aunt姑姑,father,爸爸。brother兄、弟。故选C. 9.】由上文可知,大家同意了Steve的请求,Steve呼唤Paul过来。take带走,come来,go去,find找到、发现。故选B。 10.】此句句意为:Steve和Paul在一起很高兴。interresting有趣的,boring无聊的,relaxing令人轻松的,happy高兴的额、愉快的。故选D.

---Have a nice day.


A. Thank you.

B. Im sorry

C. Thats OK.

D. You are welcome.



---Whats the _____ of computer?

---3999 yuan.

A. number           B. price

C. name             D.color



---Mr.White, this is you watch. _____.

---Thank you!

A. Here you are

B. How are you

C. Here it is

D. Here are you



These books are very interesting. I like them and I'll _____ them.

A. play             B. spell

C.take              D. lose



He is _____ , and today is his _____ birthday.

A. thirteen; thirteen

B. thirteenth; thirteenth

C. thirteenth; thirteen

D. thirteen; thirteenth



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