满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话(每题1分,共5分) A: Can I help ...


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please.  1.  .

A: Come and look at these T-shirts. They are for boys.

B: This one is nice.  2.  .

A: 138 yuan.

B: Oh, it's expensive(昂贵的).

A: 3.  . It's only 60 yuan.

B: Good. Well, this one is too long for my son.   4.  .

A: Yes. Here is a short one.

B: OK, thanks.

A: 5.  .

What about this one?

B. want to go shopping with my son.

C. I need a T-shirt for my son.

D. How much is it?

E. Do you like the color?

F. You're welcome.

G. Do you have a short one?












1.C 2.D 3.A 4.G 5.F 【解析】 1.根据上文“想要买点什么吗?”可知,此句是顾客说“我需要给儿子买件t恤。故选C。 2.由此句答语:138元。可知问题是问“它多少钱?”故选D。 3.由上句“它太贵了。”可知这里是店主问“这件怎么样?”故选A。 4.由前句“这件对我儿子来说太长了。”可知顾客是问“你们有短的吗?”故选G。 5.上句说“谢谢”。此句答语意为“不客气、不用谢。”故选F。

It is Sunday today. Steve and his parents go to his uncle's home for    . Steve's uncle Bruce     a white dog. Its     is Paul. It's only one year old.

After lunch, Uncle Bruce says, “I will(将要) go to Sydney,     I can't take Paul there. You know, I don't want     a dog in a big city(城市).”

“Can I have Paul, Uncle Bruce?” says Steve. “We don't have a       .”

Uncle Bruce look at Steve's mother and father.

“Please, Mum. Let       have it,” says Steve.

“You can ask your       ,” says Steve's mother.

“Please, Dad?”

“Yes, you can have it.”

“Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Uncle Bruce.     here, Paul. Let's play the ball.”

“Look, the dog is his now.” Uncle Bruce laughs.

Steve is       to be with Paul. It's Steve's favorite now.

1.A. breakfast    B. lunch     C. supper     D. dinner

2.A. have         B. has       C. is         D. are

3.A. name         B. book      C. color      D. food

4.A. and          B. or        C. so         D. but

5.A. have         B. has       C. to have    D. having

6.A. cat          B. dog       C. girl       D. boy

7.A. I            B. he        C. her        D. me

8.A. uncle        B. aunt      C. father     D. brother

9.A. Take         B. Come      C. Go         D. Find

10.A. interesting  B. boring   C. relaxing   D. happy



---Have a nice day.


A. Thank you.

B. Im sorry

C. Thats OK.

D. You are welcome.



---Whats the _____ of computer?

---3999 yuan.

A. number           B. price

C. name             D.color



---Mr.White, this is you watch. _____.

---Thank you!

A. Here you are

B. How are you

C. Here it is

D. Here are you



These books are very interesting. I like them and I'll _____ them.

A. play             B. spell

C.take              D. lose



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