满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Do you know mother giant pandas have o...

Do you know mother giant pandas have only one or two babies ___________?

Sorry, I don’t know.

A. at a time       B. at time

C. at times        D. at that time


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:- 你知道吗,大熊猫妈妈一次只能生一个或两个大熊猫宝宝?-对不起,我不知道。A. at a time一次B. at time偶尔C. at times总是D. at that time在那时。正确答案A。 考点:考查关于time的短语的意思。

—Is this maths  problem ___________?

Yes, I can work it out ___________.

A. easy ; easy      B. easily ; easily

C. easily ; easy     D. easy; easily



—___________does your sister walk her dog ?

Once a day.

A. How many      B. How fast

C. How soon       D .How often



—Would you like to climb the hill with us tomorrow?

If it ___________,I___________.

A. doesn’t rain; go

B. won’t rain; go

C. don’t rain; will go

D. doesn’t rain will go



I bought a nice MP3 yesterday. It’s only$150.

Oh, really? I spent ___________   money than you .Mine is $120.

A. little      B. fewer      C. more      D. less



Why don’t we go swimming tomorrow?

__________ .

A. You’re great

B. That’s right

C. What a good idea

D. No, I don’t



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