满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My name is Lily. I’m a junior high schoo...

My name is Lily. I’m a junior high school student from Guangzhou. Last winter holiday, I visited Hong Kong for the first time with my mother and her workmates. Before we went through the entrance of the Customs and Excise Department (香港海关,缩写为CED), we had to wait for more than four hours there. All the passengers must show their permits (许可证) to the workers at the CED one by one. So there were a large number of people waiting in lines at the entrance hall. It took us a long time to walk along the metal pipes which divided the big hall into many different parts. So the entrance hall looked like a huge puzzle. Everyone should finish walking through the puzzle if they wanted to pass the entrance. I waited patiently and walked slowly after others. I just could see the back of their heads. It was difficult for me to breathe because too many people were there. At last I passed it but I was too tired to say a word.

Last month I visited Hong Kong again. But this time I didn’t spend much time waiting at the entrance of the CED because I got an Electronic Exit Permit with an “Electronic Brain” in it. When I passed the port of Hong Kong, I just needed to use it to touch the button at the entrance. It can save much time for people. I plan to visit Hong Kong again sometime in the future.

1.Who did Lily go to Hong Kong with last winter holiday?

A. Her classmates

B. Her friends.

C. Her mother.

D. Her relatives.

2.How long did it take Lily to go through the entrance of the CED for her first visit?

A. Less than one hour.

B. About two hours.

C. About three hours.

D. More than four hours.

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Passengers must show their boat tickets to the workers at the CED.

B. The entrance hall of the CED is small and crowded.

C. The Electronic Exit Permit saves passengers much time.

D. Passengers can enter Hong Kong by pressing the button at the entrance with fingers.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Lily’s two different trips to Hong Kong.

B. Lily’s experiences of passing the entrance of the CED.

C. The crowded entrance hall of the CED.

D. The advantage of using Electronic Exit Permits.

5.Where can we read the passage?

A. On a blog.

B. In a history book.

C. In an encyclopeadia.

D. From an advertisement.


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 1.I visited Hong Kong for the first time with my mother and her workmates.句子意思:我第一次和我妈妈还有妈妈的同事参观了香港。根据题意判断,故选C. 2.we had to wait for more than four hours there.句意:我们不得不在那儿等了4个多小时,根据题意选D。 3.试题分析:All the passengers must show their permits (许可证) to the workers at the CED one by one.所有的旅客必须逐个的向工作人员出示许可证,而不是boat tickets船票;So the entrance hall looked like a huge puzzle.入口处看起来像是一个巨大的迷魂阵,而不是小的;I got an Electronic Exit Permit with an “Electronic Brain” in it.我只要用“Electronic Brain”就可以进入CED,而不是fingers,故选C。 4.根据全文,文章主要介绍的是Lily通过CED入口的经历,故选B. 5.因为这篇文章是主要介绍的是Lily通过CED入口的经历的,所以它不会出现在encyclopeadia有道词典上;不会出现在a history book历史书上;也不会出现在advertisement广告上,故选A博客.

We’ve seen 3D films, 3D TVs and so on. They are so     that young people like to watch them very much. Have you ever heard of 3D     ? That was what the Belgian (比利时的) newspaper, La Derniere Heure, tried to do for its readers. This was Europe’s     3D newspaper.

It took the team two months to     the 3D newspaper. The team printed 115,000 copies of the special edition of La Derniere Heure. It was more than the usual     of the printed copies.

Each of these newspapers came with a pair of free 3D glasses. All the     and ads in the newspaper were in 3D and the text was the same as usual.     could get the best result by holding the paper 50 cm away from the eyes.

In fact, if people don’t     the 3D glasses, the newspaper will be terrible to read because the images are not     .

Many readers tried to     this kind of newspaper. In fact, some of them bought it just for fun. The first 3D newspaper was really popular. But the publishers had no plans to continue with it because it cost too much.

1.A. expensive      B. delicious      C. interesting

2.A. books          B. pictures       C. newspapers

3.A. first          B. second         C. latest

4.A. build       B. make       C. read

5.A. size       B. price       C. number

6.A. photos       B. words       C. news

7.A. Readers       B. Visitors      C. Learners

8.A. put       B. wear       C. keep

9.A. big       B. clear       C. popular

10.A. buy       B. see       C. use



Don’t ___ a child if he does something wrong. We should teach him to do it right.

A. kill    B. catch    C. punish



This TV show made a great       . A large number of people liked it very much.

A. decision    B. success    C. difference



You’d better not read and have meals         . It’s not good for your health.

A. all the time

B. in a short time

C. at the same time



I don’t think I       climb that mountain alone.

A. am able to

B. am good at

C. am busy with



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