满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Smith often goes fishing _______ his...

Mr. Smith often goes fishing _______ his free time.

A. of      B. in     C. at       D. to


B 【解析】试题分析:句意:Smith先生常在他的空闲时间去钓鱼。In free time在空闲时间,固定搭配。故选B 考点:考查介词辨析

Does Tom write as _______as Tina?

A. well          B. Best

C. Better        D. good



---- How was the fish?              --- It tasted ________.

A. badly         B. Terribly

C. good          D. exciting



There is _______milk in the bottle, lets go to the supermarket to buy some.

A. little          B. a little

C. few             D. a few



同学们,“健康大于财富”,良好的卫生、饮食习惯,健康的体魄,充沛的精力会给我们的学习带来很大的帮助。那么, 你认为我们该怎样保持健康呢?请你以Keeping Healthy为题说说你的看法。要求词数:80词左右。











If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, you have to do as the following.

1.Healthy food is important. If you eat healthily, you will be healthy .But maybe you don’t know healthy food. You can learn from your parents or books. And eat different kinds of food. Fruit and vegetables are good for you.

2.Exercise is the key for a healthy lifestyle. Go to the gym every once in a while , or daily. Or take a run around your neighborhood. Even taking your dog for a walk is good. About an hour a day is Ok.

3.Eat junk food(垃圾食品) as little as possible. It’s not easy to be a healthy person. It doesn’t matter if you want to eat ice cream, hamburgers and so on very much. As long as you don’t have a steady (持续的)diet of junk food, it won’t hurt you too much.

4.Let your body rest. It is best to leave a day or two off to have a good rest, and then you can do your work better.

5. Stay clean. Everyone should have one shower every day. Change your underwear(内衣) and socks every day, too.

6. Enjoy yourself. Don’t stress yourself over anything. Have fun! If you worry too much about your health, you’ll make it worse, so just relax at times.


How to live a healthy lifestyle

Healthy food is important.

We should eat different kinds of food to 1.__________

2.____________________is the key for a healthy lifestyle.

Go to the gym every once in a while, or daily.

Eat junk food as little as possible.

It doesn't matter if you sometimes eat 3.____________

But you should not have a steady diet of it.

Let you body rest.

Have 4.___________________off to have a good rest.

Stay clean.

5.______________________________at least once a day to keep yourself clean.

Enjoy yourself.

Let yourself relax and have  a good mood.(心情)



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