满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

请根据下面中文提示写一篇介绍双胞胎 Lucy和Lily的英语短文。80字左右。 ...

请根据下面中文提示写一篇介绍双胞胎 Lucy和Lily的英语短文。80字左右。

1.Lucy 喜欢喝牛奶,吃蔬菜和水果;Lily喜欢吃垃圾食品;

2.Lucy 喜欢游泳,她每天都和朋友去游泳;Lily 只喜欢在电视上看球赛;

3.Lucy 最喜欢的电视节目时情景喜剧,她觉得情景喜剧很放松;Lily 无法忍受谈话节目,她认为他们太放松。








Lucy and Lily are twin sisters, they look the same. But in some ways, they are different. Lucy likes milk , vegetables and fruits, she has them every day. Lily likes junk food, she eats it three times a week. As for sports, Lucy likes swimming. She thinks it is good for her health, so she swims with her friends every day but Lily just watches ball games on TV. Lucy’s favorite program is sitcoms and she thinks they are relaxing. Lily can’t stand talk show, she thinks they are too relaxing. 【解析】试题分析:这是一篇提纲作文,要求介绍一对双胞胎姐妹的情况,字数80词左右。1.介绍她们饮食上的异同点;2.介绍她们体育爱好方面的异同点;3.介绍她们在娱乐方面异同同点。学生可能在写作过程中出现用词不当,语句不通顺或语法错误等。 亮点说明:1.本文按提纲详细介绍了两姐妹的异同点;2. But in some ways, She thinks it is good for her health, can’t stand用到了短语和复合句;3.层次清晰,字数合理(93词) 考点:书面表达

I have twin brothers, Tim and Tom. They look the same. They both have brown hair and blue eyes. They always wear the same jeans and T-shirts. So many people cant tell them from each other.

They not only wear the same clothes but also do the same things. For example, they both like listening to pop music, watching soccer matches and playing computer games. They go to watch soccer matches every weekend. They like to play computer games every night, but our mother doesn’t allow(允许) them to because they have a lot of homework to do.

They are twins, but they are also different in some ways. For example, Tim works hard at school, and he always gets good grades. But Tom is much less hardworking than Tim is. Tom likes talent shows because he thinks they are relaxing, but Tim likes news, he wants to find out whats going on around the world.

Our mother is often away from home because she travels a lot for her job, so I have to take care of (照顾)my twin brothers at home. But I think it is fun to have twin brothers.


Information Card

What the twins names are


What kind of clothes the twins always wear



When the twins watch soccer matches



What Tom thinks of talent shows



Why the writer has to take care of the twins






______________________________ action movies?




Jim didnt bring ________________, so he can do nothing.




Its ___________________________________.




Twenty_________ of the students__________ play computer games_________________.



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