满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

they travel hard comfortable fall down ...


they      travel     hard      comfortable     fall down

1.Blue Moon has much __________ seats than City Cinema.

2.XiaoMing’s grandpa _________ on the way to the supermarket yesterday.

3.Unluckily nobody can help them. They only depend on (依靠) __________.

4.Lots of ________ will go to Brazil for the Olympic Games in 2016.

5.Miss. Smith _________ eats supper at home, because she likes eating out.


1.more comfortable 2.fell down 3.themselves. 4.travelers 5.hardly 【解析】 1.】句意:蓝色的月亮电影院比城市电影院有着更舒适的座椅。根据句意判断,此处用比较级,故填more comfortable。 2.】句意:小明的爷爷昨天去超市的路上摔倒了。根据句意可知,填一般过去时fell down。 3.3】句意:偏偏没有人可以帮助他们。他们只能靠自己。根据题意可知,填入themselves。 4.4】句意:大量的游客将去巴西参加2016年奥运会。根据题意可知,填入名词复数travelers。 5.】句意:史密斯小姐不在家吃晚饭,因为她喜欢外出就餐。根据题意可知,填入hardly。

Here is a page from a magazine called Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in twenty years.

Cars will run on solar power(太阳能) and will be much cleaner and safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down or stop by itself.

New cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels (层). People will live on the upper level, the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.

Biotechnology (生物技术) will make food better and healthier. Plants without insects or illnesses (病虫害) will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.

Many new ways to cure (治愈) illnesses will be found. People will use products of genetic engineering (基因产品) to cure more illnesses. However, some new illnesses will appear.


To happen in   1.  years.


To run on solar power; to be much   2.    .

New cities

To be 3.    in the sea.


To make food better and healthier, plants will not have     4. or illnesses. The   5. of fruit and vegetables will be better and better.



Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2020. “What will our world be like in the year 2020?”

“I don’t know,” says Fred, “What do you think?” “Well, no one knows, but it’s interesting to guess.” “In the year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, too, and we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we’ll be able to see them at the same time. ” “A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.” “Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays, perhaps they’ll work only two or three days a week. They’ll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.” “I’m looking forward (期待) to the year 2020. I hope to go to the moon!” “And I hope I’ll be able to live under the sea.” says Fred, “Won’t that be very interesting? Just like a fish!”

1.Tom and Fred talked about ______.

A. their school life

B. some interesting news

C. their life in the past

D. their life in the future

2.Machines will ______.

A. do most of the work instead of people

B. do some of the work instead of people

C. do as much work as people

D. do as little work as people

3.From their talk, we know that ______.

A. only Fred hopes to fly to the moon

B. both of them hope to fly to the moon

C. one of them hopes to fly to the moon

D. neither of them hopes to fly to the moon

4.Fred said ______.

A. he liked fish very much

B. he would like to live under the sea like a fish

C. he would go fishing under the sea

D. he would spend a few days on the moon

5.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?

A. People will be able to fly to the moon in a spaceship.

B. People will have more holidays.

C. Many people will live and work under the sea.

D. All the factories and farms will be built under the sea.




What’s on?

Medusa Disco

The best dance music in the town!

Every night

Tickets: $10


Mason Park Stadium

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:30 p.m.

Tickets: $ 25~ $ 50

Basketball Games

Saturday and Sunday

Games start at 1:00 p.m.

Ticket: $ 20

Italian Restaurant

Perfect pasta and pizza

Live music

Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00a.m.~ 11:00 p.m.

Hudson Theater

Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Hudson Theater and Dance School

Thursday to Friday, 8:00 p.m.

Ticket:$ 3(Students); $7.5 (Adults)

1.If you go to dance at Medusa Disco, you should pay ________ .

A. $ 2            B. $ 3

C.$ 10            D. $ 25

2.When can you see basketball games?

A. On Tuesday and Sunday

B. On Thursday and Friday

C.On Friday and Saturday

D. On Saturday and Sunday

3.Where can you enjoy the live music on Tuesday?

A.At Italian Restaurant

B. At Medusa Disco

C. At Hudson Theater.

D. At Dance School

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. We can enjoy the best dance music every night.

B. We need to pay $25~$50 for the concerts.

C. The basketball games start at 2:00 p.m.

D. If you are a student, you need to pay $ 3 for Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

5.The passage is probably _________ .

A. a menu of a restaurant

B. a news report

C. a basketball poster

D. an advertisement



Being outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and

have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not as hard as you think. Even shy people can be outgoing. You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge(挑战)comes when you meet strange people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.

Start a talk. Just a smile “Hello” or “How is it going” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in newspapers and prepare(准备) your views, or surf the  Internet for new information and then keep that in mind.

The easier way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step(步). Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.

1.You should start to be outgoing with ________.

A. your parents

B. your teachers

C. your best friend

D. your new friends

2.When you start a talk with a stranger, you should say “_________”

A. What’s the matter?

B. What’s your name?

C. How’s it going?

D. Are you healthy?

3.The easiest way to be outgoing is _______.

A. talking        B. smiling

C. playing       D. going out

4.Making new friends can make us ________.

A. more outgoing      B. healthier

C. more athletic     D. wilder

5.Which is NOT the writer’s view?

A. Being outgoing is really difficult.

B. Being outgoing is good for our life.

C. Being outgoing helps people have more fun.

D. Being outgoing with strangers is not easy.



There is nobody in the world the same as you. You are unique (唯一的)! Everybody is   from everyone else. That is      ! So it makes the world an interesting     .

There are people taller   you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is as same as your friend’s, but maybe it is longer than    . Another difference is your hair may be straight(直的) , hers may be curly(卷曲)

I am sure you have some friends who are smarter than you. And you   have some friends, they are as good   sports as you.   there are also people around you who are not good at some things.

  does your best friend look like? Do you both want to finish your homework at school? Do you     want to wear the same clothes every day? I think in some ways you are the same, but in many other ways you are different.

So say loudly to the world, “I am who I am –I’m unique!”

1.A. better    B. different   C. smart     D. good

2.A. good   B. bad      C. terrible   D. same

3.A. house    B. school    C. place    D. park

4.A. after    B. than      C. like    D. in front of

5.A. your friend  B. she    C. her    D. hers

6.A. also   B. too      C. can    D. are

7.A. at   B. for       C. in     D. with

8.A. And    B. Or        C. So    D. But

9.A. Where   B. What    C. How    D. How often

10.A. all    B. both    C. everyone   D. anyone



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