满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

hear reply chat drive suffer 1.---How o...


hear    reply   chat   drive  suffer

1.---How often do you write to your online friend?

--- Once a week, and he always ____________ to me in time.

2.---- Where is Tommy?

---- He ____________with his sister in the next room.

3.My grandma  ____________a lot in the past, so she looks much older than she is.

4. --How soon  ____________your mother ____________ back home from work?

--In half an hour.

5.____________ you ___________ from your parents recently? Yes.


1.replies 2.is chatting 3.suffered 4.will drive 5.Have heard 【解析】 1.always意为经常。推测出时态为一般现在时。主语为he是第三人称单数。故填replies。 2.结合上下文语境他正在隔壁房间和她的妹妹聊天。推测出时态为现在进行时。故填is chatting。 3.in the past意为过去。推测出时态为一般过去时。句意我的祖母在过去经历了许多,她看起来很苍老。故填suffered。 4.句意从下班到家你母亲将用多长时间?推测出时态为一般将来时。故填will drive。 5.recently意为最近。通过此词判断时态为现在完成时。现在完成时一般疑问句的结构为have+主语+done+其它?故填Have heard。


ninety  success  think  decide  care

1. Another two pupils _________ swam across the big lake last week.

2.Anne wrote down her _________, her feelings , her hopes and her dreams in her diary.

3.That top student failed to pass the English exam because of his ___________.

4.That old man began to learn English in his _________.

5.Is it really difficult to make a final _________now?




1.--Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?

--Im afraid we have no ____________but to take a taxi.

2. After his senior high, Simon wants to go on to study in Beijing ___________(大学).

3.I dont know there is a ___________(关系) between colours and moods.

4.What __________(be important) most is to listen carefully in class.

5.Do you have any ____________ (勇气) to say sorry to your father?



Many of us don’t pay much attention to the importance of eye care. It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.

There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes(基因) and aging. Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eye-sight from UV rays.

Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamin A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.

All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.

1. __________ is the most important way to protect our eyes.

A. Natural eye care

B. Taking medicine

C. Seeing a doctor

D. Being happy all the time

2.All the following causes can lead to bad eyesight except__________ .

A. genes   B. height   C. reading  D. computers

3. What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?

A. Eat healthy foods.

B. Clean the eyes by using cold water.

C. Wear a pair of sunglasses.

D. Have a rest after working for a while.

4.What do the underlined word aging mean?

A. doing differently

B. blaming seriously

C. becoming old

D. disagreeing with



Dear Alice,

You really have two different questions here, so well discuss one of them at a time.

Your problems at school may be a result of a number of things. You dont say much about how these classmates get along with each other. Its possible that all the students are feeling a little cautious (谨慎的) in the first term.

Its also possible that the others are unkind. If this is so, you have to find out why you are the class outsider.

In your letter you say you often offer to help others with their work. Is it possible that your classmates dont understand your offers? Could it seem that you were trying to buy friends with these offers?

Is it possible that you took no notice of your classmates when you had your good friend near you? They may have felt hurt at that time. It may take a time for them to believe in you if so. Try to ask one classmate directly what the problem is. If you hear a negative (负面的) answer, at least youll know what to do.

Yours truly,


1.Who writes the letter?

A. Alice     B. her classmate

C. Shelia      D. her teacher

2. From the letter we know that Alice was very _______________.

A. lucky     B. unkind     C. fair      D. unhappy

3. In the letter Sheila talked about _________ possible reasons for Alices problems.

A. four     B. six      C. seven     D. eight

4.From the letter we can conclude (得出结论) that _______________.

A. Alice wasnt pleased with her teachers.

B. Alices parents made her study too hard.

C. Alice didnt get along well with her classmates.

D. Alice didnt want to go to school any more.



People are always afraid of making mistakes. But sometimes it's not bad to make mistakes, and here is why.

At first, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It's always good to try new things, because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try new things, how can you improve? How can you create? The simple answer is. "You can't." Look around you, everything you see is the result of someone trying new things.

Another good thing about mistakes is this: when you are making mistakes, you are learning. Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb (电灯泡). When he was asked how he felt to fail so many times, he said that he hadn't failed 10,000 times, but had learned 10,000 things that didn't work.

Finally, when you make a mistake, you are that much closer to success. Why? Because you have said what you should say, and you have done what you should do. Every time you make a mistake, you are closer to success. But it doesn't mean that you can make mistakes without thinking. Instead, when you try new things you have to think them over, so that you can keep away from some unnecessary mistakes.

We shouldn't spend all our time and money on the only one way, but use them correctly. Because our time and money are limited(有限的).

There is an old saying, "If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough." So go bravely and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And succeed.

1.If you are making a mistake, that means_______________.

A. you're careful

B. you're kind

C. you're growing

D. you know nothing

2.If you never try new things, you can't______

A. improve  B. disappear  C. spend   D. blame

3. After Edison failed 10,000 times, he______

A. gave up

B. invented the light bulb

C. invented the computer

D. invented 10,000 new things

4. When you make a mistake, you are closer to_______

A. school   B. money   C. success  D. everything



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