满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I’m afraid we will have to call the poli...

I’m afraid we will have to call the police if you ____ breaking into the car.

A. try on B. put on   C. base on   D. insist on


D 【解析】 试题分析:try on 意为试穿。put on意为穿上。base on意为以....为基础。insist on 意为坚持。根据题意“如果你坚持破门进入汽车,我恐怕要给警察打电话了” 故选D. 考点:考查关于“on”的固定短语辨析。

---I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _____?

---Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.

A. where is the nearest hospital

B. how long it will take me to the airport

C. how far is my trip to the Olympic Village

D. how I can get to the National Museum



---Shall we meet at the station at 8 a.m.?

---In fact, we ________. The train _______ until 10 a.m..

A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave

B. mustn’t; leaves

C. needn’t; won’t leave

D. needn’t; will leave



---The exam was very easy, wasn’t it? ---Yes, but not ________ could pass it.

A. somebody    B. anybody    C. nobody       D. everybody



At last, the girl was made          and began to do her homework.

A. stop listening to music

B. to stop to listen to music

C. to stop listening to music

D. stop to listen to music



---- Have you ever seen _______ film Where are We Going, David?

---- Yes, its________ interesting film.

A. a ; the      B. the ; an C. a ; an      D. the ; the



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