满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

——Could you please tell me _____________...

——Could you please tell me _____________?

——Yes, she came to teach here just last week.

A. that she is a new teacher

B. when did she come here

C. what is wrong with her

D. whether she is a new teacher


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—你能告诉我她是否是一个新老师吗?—可以,她是上周刚来这里教学的。tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事,sth为从句结构时,属于宾语从句,应用陈述语序,故排除B;根据句意可知C项不合句意;could you tell me含有疑问语气,故从句连接词应用whether而不用that,故选D。 考点:考查宾语从句

Most teenagers love fast food, but bad eating habits __________ fast food.

A. go out            B. go beyond

C. go into          D. go over



Davids dream in China is to go into the west and __________ an early childhood school there.

A. make up          B. look up

C. set up        D. give up



__________she is very old, __________ she can still work eight hours a day.

A. Because so

B. As yet

C. Though yet

D. Though but



——I think Paul is __________ a careful person that he seldom makes mistakes.

——But this time he did. He was __________ nervous that he made a tiny mistake.

A. so; such         B. very; so

C. such; that   D. such; so



There __________a number of books in our school library. The number of books __________ getting larger than last year.

A. is, is           B. is, are       C. are, are        D. are, is



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