满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jim got up early _____________ he could ...

Jim got up early _____________ he could catch the early bus.

A. so that       B. such that

C. in order to     D. very that


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Jim早起床是为了能够赶上早班车。so that引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和can, may, should等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够”。根据题意,选A。 考点:考查短语辨析。

Zhang Guorong’s singing career _________ about over 20 years. It was his ________appearance at singing in public.

A. last ; last

B. lasted for; last

C. lasted; lasted

D. lasted for; lasted



They thought __________ important to look right and left when ________ the road.

A. it’s; cross

B. it; to cross

C. it; crossing

D. it was; to cross



________ our teacher is ill, ________ he still come to our class to teach us.

A. Though; but

B. Though; /

C. Although; but

D. Although ;so



She was very happy because she ________ play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film.

A. chosen to        B. was chosen

C. was chosen to      D. had chosen to



I haven’t had enough _______recently, so I’m always _______all day.

A.sleep, sleeping

B.asleep, sleepy

C.sleepy, sleep

D.sleep, sleepy



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