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在你成长的过程中, 你认识了许许多多的人。请以“A person I will ...

在你成长的过程中, 你认识了许许多多的人。请以“A person I will never forget”为题,写一篇英语短文。要求如下:

1. 短文内容必须包括:General appearance(外貌)



The reasons that you will never forget him/her

2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

3. 词数80左右。文章开头已给出(开头的句子不计入总词数)。

A person I will never forget

The person I’ll never forget is                                             







A person I will never forget The person I’ll never forget is my English teacher. He is a tall man with thick glasses. He likes sports and often plays football and basketball with us. He is humorous and always makes his classes lively and interesting. He’s kind but is strict with us. He never allows us to pretend that we know what we don’t know. He often tells us that it’s no use memorizing new words without understanding. I was not good at English at the beginning. He often helps me and is patient enough to explain the difficulties to me. With his help, my English has been greatly improved. My English teacher is the best teacher that I have ever met. I will never forget him. 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类作文,介绍一位自己难忘的人。本题给出了写作提纲,动笔前要先认真阅读写作要点,然后围绕写作要点展开写作。根据所给材料内容,可知本文主要用一般现在时态进行叙述。写作中注意语言的表述应该符合英语的表达习惯。适当使用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。给出的要点都要写到文章中。 【亮点说明】1. 本文紧扣要求对自己难忘的人做了介绍,内容完整。2. 句式丰富。有最高级:My English teacher is the best teacher that I have ever met.有定语从句:The person I’ll never forget is my English teacher.  

Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If so, you will find ‘Being a Happy Teenager’ written by an Australian 1.  Andrew Matthews useful.

In this book, he says that we should s  2.  being angry and forgive others. The book tells us of useful skills such as how to put w  3.   you have learned into your mind to make your memory better. Many teenagers think that happiness c 4.  from good exam marks o  5.  praise (赞扬) from other people. But you can still be happy w  6.   there are no such ‘good’ things.

S  7.  comes from a good attitude (心态). If you learn from problems, you will be successful later on, or in the f  8. . Some school boys have problems such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that happiness can come from thinking about things in a positive (积极的) w 9.   .

If you are tall, people notice you and you can get a better view at the movies; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’s m  10.   important lesson of all: you choose to be happy!



Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, and he was the eighth of the ten children. Michael’s father, Mr Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talents, and he knew he could train them to become fine musicians. In those days, there were lots of music groups and some of them were very good. He knew if his sons were different from others, they would have to be the best. Their group later became the Jackson Five. Michael Jackson was the lead singer of the five in the team.

Practice makes perfect. And the Jackson boys practiced! Soon the group was much better than others. When the Jacksons took their first professional (专业的) job, their total pay was only five dollars! But they kept on. They played at important parties. They entered big competitions. They worked at various clubs. Five Jackson boys first performed together at a talent show when Michael was six, and they walked off with the first prize. Then name of this group began to get around.

When Michael was only 11 years old, he became the star. The young boy rose to become the “King of Pop”. Later on, Michael got a chance to do some solo (独唱) songs. He made his first solo album (唱片) in 1972. It just didn’t seem possible that so much talent could come from such a young performer. For the following years, Michael was always on the top among the popular singers. One million records of his were sold in New Zealand, which has only a total population of three million.

When Michael was eighteen, he entered another field of his acting career. “I plan to star in movies,” he told his friends, “but of course, my first love is music”. Michael wrote a lot of his own songs. Whatever he did, it worked! Still, with all his success, Michael managed to keep his head calm. “I just do a different job from other people,” he said, “but it doesn’t make me think I’m better than other people,” For anyone who wants to be successful, the road to success is a long hard one to travel.

In 1994, Michael married Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in 1996. He married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children. The couple never lived together after 1999. Jackson had three children named Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II. Michael Jackson died after suffering a heart attack. His contribution to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over forty years.

Title: A successful   1.  and actor

Different times

His Career

Early life

Of the Jackson Five, Michael sang 2. .  When Michael was six, five Jackson boys first performed together at a talent show and   3.  the first prize easily. His father, Joseph Jackson, played a large role in young Michael’s    4.  .


It seemed   5.  that so much talent could come from such a young performer. Michael was always on   6.  of the list. One million records of his were 7. out in New Zealand——the number of one-third of the total population in this country. At the age of 18, Michael also   8.  in films.

Marriage and family

His first wife went away from him in   9.  . Then Michael got married for the   10. time and the couple had three children in all.

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A: I’ve got a problem. I can’t sleep at night and I feel very tired in the morning.

B: Lots of people have that problem. Are you   1. something?

A: I think about exams a lot. That’s why I can’t   2. . I’m afraid I’m going to fail.

B: Maybe if you prepare a study plan ahead, you can organize your time better and feel more confident.

A: You’re right. I’m not organized, and I often have my books open, 3.  , I never know which one to read first.

B: I think 4.  things you need to do and planning when to do them will help you. And you’ll feel better if you only do one thing at a time.

A: Anything else ?

B: Yes, you should pay no attention to anyone who   5.  you.

A: OK, thank you very much.

B: It’s my pleasure.




1. I prefer watching TV at home to ____________(see) a film in the open air.

2. Daniel is a clever boy, I think he can use his free time ________(wise).

3.It’s __________ (use) to tell her the answer to the maths problem. If you really want to help her, you should tell her how to work it out.

4.The problem of stress gets worse when people keep their worries to       (they).

5.It’s so __________(fair)! Mary gets more money for less work.

6. I________(leave) alone at home last night because my parents went out for a party.




1.Look! The girl are dressing up as            (蝴蝶),how beautiful!

2.These days the picture on the wall often          (提醒)me of the old days in the countryside.

3.Do you have any            (困难)with your studies these days?

4.Our Math teacher spent about 2 hours          (解释)the problem to us.

5.Im afraid we only have a single room            (可得到的)for that week.



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