满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s quite hot in the room. You’d better...

It’s quite hot in the room. You’d better           the windows or the door.

A. closing        B. not to close

C. don’t close     D. not close


D 【解析】 试题分析: had better “最好”后用动词原形,如果是否定的话加not,且放在动词原形的前面,即 had better not + 动词原形,所以 本空应是 had better not close。 【考点】had better 的用法。  

If my parents ______ free tomorrow, we _____ to visit my grandparents.

A. will be go

B. are go

C. will bewill go

D. arewill go



There are _________women doctors in the hospital.

A. two hundred of    B. hundreds of

C. two hundreds    D. two hundreds of



This is ________ article written in English. I think English is ______ useful language.

A. a an         B. the a     C. an a      D. an an



One day ,a woman got on a bus with a child in her arms. The woman sat down next to an old couple. The old woman took a look at the child and said in a low voice to her husband,” Look at the child. He’s so ugly(丑陋的).”

The woman heard what the old woman said and began to cry. She cried and cried and no one could stop her.

When the bus came to a stop, a young man got on the bus with some bananas and sat at the back of the bus. He saw the woman crying, so he went over and said to her,” Oh, come, please don’t cry any more. You look very ugly when you are crying.”

The woman didn’t stop crying. Instead, she cried even harder. The young man didn’t know what he could do. Suddenly he noticed the bananas in his hand and had a good idea. So he said again to the woman, ”Well, if you stop crying, I will give your monkey some bananas to eat.”

1.“An old couple” in the first paragraph refers to (指的是)_______.

A.the driver and the conductor(售票员)

B. the old woman and her husband

C.  the woman and her child

D. the bus and its passengers

2.The child in the woman’s arms_____________.

A. was very clever

B. was very tall

C. looked quite lovely

D. wasn’t good-looking

3.The woman began to cry on the bus because______________.

A. she felt very sad

B. she took the wrong bus

C. she didn’t get off at the right stop

D. she lost her purse

4.The woman cried even harder when the young man asked her to stop crying


A. the young man didn’t give her bananas

B. the old woman said her child was ugly

C. the young man said she looked ugly

D. she also thought her child was ugly

5.What the young man said at the end of the story shows that____________.

A. the child became a monkey

B. the child was very ugly

C. the young man was very kind

D. the woman loved her child



  Look at the cat on the left. Find anything strange?

In 1961, a man found a strange cat on his farm in Scotland. The cat’s ears were folded (折着的), bent (弯曲) forward, on its head. In fact, this was a new kind of cat. People named it the “Scottish Fold”.

The Scottish Fold has a round head and big eyes. Its neck and legs are short. They make it look very lovely. Interestingly(有趣地), all the Scottish Folds are born with straight and unfolded ears. And when they are growing up day by day, some cats’ ears will begin to fold. So, the Scottish Fold comes in two types: folded ears and straight ears.

There is a nickname(昵称)for the Scottish Fold. It is the “Messenger信使)of Peace”. Why? Because the Folds are sweet and friendly animals. They can get along well with other cats. And unlike some other cats, they can even get along well with dogs! In many different places, for example, at a noisy house or in a cat show, you can see them playing with other animals happily.

Well, when you come to a new school, do you think it’s difficult to feel comfortable in the new place? Perhaps you can learn from the Scottish Fold, which is always sweet and friendly to others.

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1. The Scottish Fold    .

A. is born with folded ears

B. is born with straight ears

C. always has folded ears

D. always has straight ears

2. What does the Scottish Fold look like?

A. It has no ears.

B. Its neck and legs are long.

C. It doesn’t look very lovely.

D. It has a round head and big eyes.

3. Why do people name the Folds Messenger of Peace”?

A. Because their ears are folded.

B. Because they look very cute.

C. Because they can get on well with other animals.

D. Because they can stay at a noisy house or in a cat show.

4. What does get along well mean in Chinese?

A. 友好相处      B. 互相打击      C. 互相促进      D. 进展顺利

5. According(根据)to the passage, what is the writer’s advice to us when we are in a new environment(环境)?

A. We should have a nickname.

B. We should learn from the cats.

C. We should get along well with dogs.

D. We should always be sweet and friendly to others.



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