满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What can I do for you, sir? —I’d like t...

—What can I do for you, sir?

—I’d like two____________. We all like fruit.

A. bowls of rice     B. boxes of apples

C. cartons of milk D. bottles of water


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我能为你做些什么,先生?-我想要两箱苹果。我们都喜欢水果。选项中A为米饭 苹果 牛奶 水 只有B是水果。所以选出正确答案B。 【点评】We all like fruit可以帮助选题。 【考点】考查名词和语境。  

That pair of shoes_______ too small.

Would you please show me another_______?

A. is, pair      B. are, one

C. is, one     D. are, pair



How many syllables(音节) are there in the word “carrot”?

A. one         B. two    C. three        D. four



Wow! You look so beautiful.

Your new coat fits you ____________.

A. cool      B. smart    C. well    D. good



The boy doesn’t like _________ red sweaters.

He is _________ a blue one now.

A. wearing putting on

B. putting on wearing

C. put onwearing

D. wear putting on



—I am so happy my favourite Chinese festival will come soon!

Yes, I like __________ very much, too. I can wear new clothes and get red packets.

A. Halloween         B. Christmas

C. Spring Festival   D. the Dragon Boat Festival



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